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Re: [gnso-osc-csg] Actions/Summary: 09 April 2010 Meeting

  • To: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-osc-csg] Actions/Summary: 09 April 2010 Meeting
  • From: Olga Cavalli <olgacavalli@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 22:32:36 -0300

Thanks Julie,
I appreciate that you prepared the word document so quickly, thanks.
Best regards

2010/4/9 Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>

>  Dear Work Team members,
> Here are the actions/summary from today’s meeting.  Please let me know if
> you have any changes or questions.  Our next meeting will be held n*ext
> Friday, 16 April at 1300 UTC/0600 PST/0900 EST for one hour.*  The actions
> and summary are included on the wiki at: *
> https://st.icann.org/icann-osc/index.cgi?constituency_operations_team*.
>   Please note that because the meeting times are very early for those Work
> Team members on the West Coast it was suggested that we may wish to select a
> time later in the day on Friday’s.  However, some Work Team members and
> staff may have conflicts.  *Please let me know ASAP if you would prefer to
> move the call to a particular time and I will check to see whether there are
> staff or other conflicts.  *Thank you.
> Best regards,
> Julie
> *Summary/Action Items:
> 1. Deadlines:* Olga noted that the deadline for submitting the WT's
> recommendations for Task 1, Subtasks 1-3 to the OSC is 01 June. She asked
> Julie to compile the Subtask recommendations into one document once they all
> are approved.
> *2. Task 1, Subtask 2:* The WT members discussed language for term limits
> and agreed to an option suggested by Chuck and modified by Tony that would
> apply term limits to GROUP Councilors and Officers, and to Stakeholder Group
> Executive Committee members.  Olga asked Julie to draft language for a new
> section on Term Limits for the WT to review. With respect to Part II,
> Section 8 Policy, Olga asked Julie to include the language suggested by Mary
> Wong for the WT to review.  On Annex B, Tony suggested deleting the section
> and the WT members on the call agreed, noting that there was agreement among
> WT members at the meeting in Seoul, South Korea also to delete Annex B.
>  Olga asked Julie to produce a Word document of Task 1, Subtask 2 including
> the changes agreed to thus far and indicating additions and deletions using
> tracked changes. * ACTION: WT members should review the attached document
> and recommend any further changes.  In particular, WT members should note
> the following 1) new Part II, Section 1 Term Limits; 2) Mary Wong’s proposed
> language for Section 9c (previously 8c) Policy, and 3) Section 10 GNSO
> Working Group through to the end of the document.
> *
> *3. Task 1, Subtask 3:* Olga noted that no WT members had suggested
> changes to Subtask 3. Julie suggested resending the document to the WT to
> confirm that there are no changes and that the text is approved.* ACTION:
> Work Team members should review the attached document and either recommend
> any further changes or indicate that they agree to the text.
> *
> *4. Task 2:* *ACTION: Debra Hughes is preparing preliminary thoughts.*

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