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[gnso-osc-ops] ACTIONS/SUMMARY: GNSO Council Operations Work Team Meeting 02 Sept 2009

  • To: gnso-osc-ops <gnso-osc-ops@xxxxxxxxx>, Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc-ops] ACTIONS/SUMMARY: GNSO Council Operations Work Team Meeting 02 Sept 2009
  • From: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2009 13:33:17 -0700

Dear Work Team members,

Here are the action items from today's meeting.  The attached revised GNSO 
Operating Procedures document reflects the edits we agreed to today starting 
with the beginning of the document up to Section 5.2.  As noted, on next week's 
call the Work Team agreed to finish reviewing and editing the remainder of the 
document, beginning with Section 5.2.  Note that next week's call is scheduled 
for 2 hours to begin at 1600 UTC.

Please let me know if you have questions.

Best regards,


Action Items:

1. GNSO Council Rules of Procedure: Review Sections beginning with 5.2 to the 
end of the document. See attachment.  Julie will get clarification on suggested 
language to define the term "leading" in the context of Section 4.1 Selection 
of the Council Chair.

2. Proposed GNSO Structure: Julie has collected and compiled the comments.

3. SOI/DOI Document: Under review by ICANN legal staff.

Attachment: GNSO Council Operating Procedures Rev090902 edits.doc
Description: GNSO Council Operating Procedures Rev090902 edits.doc

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