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[gnso-osc] Revised Agenda for 15 Dec OSC Meeting

  • To: <gnso-osc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc] Revised Agenda for 15 Dec OSC Meeting
  • From: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 12:04:18 -0500

Attached and copied below is a revised agenda for our 15 Dec OSC
meeting.  I also updated it on the wiki.  I added some detail to item 7
to expedite our discussion and action on it.  


1.      Welcome
2.      Roll call
3.      Agenda approval
4.      ALAC and GAC OSC rep status.
5.      Regular meeting days/time

        a.      Did everyone respond to the Doodle for Monday's at 15:00
        b.      Will this work: Mondays at 15:00 UTC (16:00 CET; 15:00
GMT; 13:00 Buenos Aires 10:00 EST; 0900 CST; 0600 PST)?
        c.      Is everyone okay with a meeting next Monday, 22 Dec 08,
if needed?
        d.      We will not meet on Monday, 29 Dec 08
        e.      Is everyone okay with a meeting on Monday, 5 Jan 09?
        f.      Hopefully we can start meeting no more often than
biweekly after that?  If so, would it matter if we meeting biweekly
starting on 5 Jan or 12 Jan?

6.      Confirm finalization of OSC charter and distribution to the
7.      Finalize draft work team charters in preparation for work team

        a.      Issues raised on the OSC email list:

                                                   i.            Should
we add a recommendation that there be at least 2 OSC members on each
work team?

1)      Who on the OSC will volunteer to join the work teams?

a.       GNSO Operations?

b.      Constituency/Stakeholder Group Operations?

c.       Communications?

                                                 ii.            Should
we recommend that the work team chairs should be OSC members?

1)      Who on the OSC will volunteer to chair the work teams?

a.       GNSO Operations?

b.      Constituency/Stakeholder Group Operations?

c.       Communications?

2)      If the chairs are not OSC members, should we add them to the

                                                iii.            Will a
"full consensus of the members" approach be successful for work teams?
Should we add a comment asking the work teams to make a recommendation
in that regard?  We could leave Rob's comment in the draft as guidance
for the work team.

                                               iv.            For the
GNSO Operations Work Team charter should we include something regarding
the following Board recommendation: "a restructured GNSO Council should
move away from being a legislative body concerned primarily with voting
towards becoming a smaller, more focused strategic entity"?

                                                 v.            Should we
add a section called something like "Work Team Rules" and include the
rules we have been using for WGs to the extent that they fit?

        b.      Other issues?

7.      Finalize message to GNSO Council to solicit work team members
for the three work teams.

        a.      Refer to Rob's draft invitation to the OSC list.
        b.      Action item for Chuck: send invitation to Council list.

8.      Identify other lists where the solicitation for work team
members should be sent.

        a.      Action item for Rob: forward Chuck's message with
invitation to other identified lists.

9.      Action items for next meeting.

        a.      See above for Chuck & Rob
        b.      Other?

10.     AOB


Attachment: GNSO Improvements OSC Meeting Agenda 15 Dec 08 v2.doc
Description: GNSO Improvements OSC Meeting Agenda 15 Dec 08 v2.doc

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