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[gnso-osc] RE: OSC Draft Document Holiday Package - Revised Draft Charters, Invitation and New Motion

  • To: "Robert Hoggarth" <robert.hoggarth@xxxxxxxxx>, <gnso-osc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-osc] RE: OSC Draft Document Holiday Package - Revised Draft Charters, Invitation and New Motion
  • From: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 20:28:44 -0500

Thanks Rob.


        From: Robert Hoggarth [mailto:robert.hoggarth@xxxxxxxxx] 
        Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 7:36 PM
        To: Gomes, Chuck; gnso-osc@xxxxxxxxx
        Subject: OSC Draft Document Holiday Package - Revised Draft
Charters, Invitation and New Motion
        Dear OSC Members:
        Attached please find a package of six (6) draft documents which
encompass the latest versions of the OSC Charter, the three OSC Work
Team Charters, the Invitation/Announcement to join work teams and a
proposed motion for the 8 January 2009 GNSO Council meeting. The
documents in this package reflect discussions during today's
meeting/call and should supersede previous draft versions of the
documents. Most of the changes are editorial and formatting in nature,
but all docs - particularly the new draft motion document - are worth
some review. Each document (and any changes from its previous version)
is described below:
        1.  Draft OSC Charter: 
        This red-lined version reflects the addition of hyperlinks
connecting readers to the work team charters on the wiki and recognition
that the committee has integrated standard work team and membership
rules in the work team charters. It also still includes the minor
committee expansion concept (work team chairs) proposed by Wolf-Ulrich.
        2.  Draft Motion:
        With the failure of the "informational-approval" approach to the
GNSO Council, staff was instructed to draft a motion seeking Council
approval of the OSC Charter.  This draft violates the Philip Sheppard
"pithy" rule, but I erred on the side of over-inclusiveness recognizing
that it is easier to take out language rather than add it.  Comments and
edits are welcomed. The intention is for Chuck to make the motion
approve the charter and Olga will second it.
        3.  Work Team Charters (3 docs):
        Clean versions of the three work team charters are all attached.
They reflect discussions on today's call as noted in Chuck's meeting
report. The modifications largely consist of format changes and edits to
more clearly describe the context of the work team efforts. Several
hyperlinks have also been added to the documents to help readers access
the OSC and PPSC wikis.
        4.  Work Team Invitation/Announcement:
        FYI, this red-lined document reflects some final editorial
changes that fix format and grammar issues in the document.  You'll also
note that a single point of contact - the GNSO Secretariat email address
- has been established for all interested work team volunteers. Chuck is
coordinating with the PPSC and hopes to circulate the invite as soon as
        Versions of all these documents can be found on the OSC wiki
workspace -
        Thank you all for your continuing contributions to this effort.
Happy holidays!
        Rob Hoggarth
        On 12/22/08 10:51 AM, "Chuck Gomes" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

                My notes from today's OSC meeting are highlighted in the
attached copy of the agenda. Please be aware that the meeting was mostly
logistical in nature.  Some changes were decided regarding the draft
team charters and the work team invitation message, but I believe they
were nonmaterial.  It is important that everyone review the meeting
notes and the documents that will be subsequently sent to the OSC list
and posted to the OSC wiki, to make sure that you agree in terms of
whether or not you have any concerns regarding the changes made.  In the
meantime, the plan is to proceed, assuming the documents are approved by
the OSC.
                There are a lot of action items, mostly for Staff and
Chuck, all of which are included in the notes.
                Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all,

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