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Re: [gnso-osc] OSC Chair Position
- To: Stéphane Van Gelder <stephane.vangelder@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [gnso-osc] OSC Chair Position
- From: Olga Cavalli <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2009 13:47:35 -0300
For general reference, meeting notes of the OSC 24th November conf call are
copy pasted in this email.
Other meeting notes and information are all in the osc wiki page:
Stephane, in relation with your comment about myself charing different
working groups, all these activites were done before I became GNSO vice
chair, and I take this as a transition period.
As you may recall, Chuck, you and me have talked about this more than a
month ago, and we agreed it should be reviewed whitin the GNSO council.
Happy new year to all!!!
24 November 2008
By Chuck Gomes, Chair
GNSO Improvements Operations Steering Committee (OSC)
Meeting Notes, 24 Nov 08
18:00 UTC (19:00 CET, 16:00 Buenos Aires, 13:00 EST, 10:00 PST)
Primary Team Members in Attendance
• Olga Cavalli (NomCom Appointee)
• Chuck Gomes (GNSO Council Vice-Chair)
• Wolf-Ulrich Knoben (Internet Service Providers Constituency)
• Philip Sheppard (Business Constituency)
• Steve Metalitz (Intellectual Property Constituency)
• Stéphane Van Gelder (Registrar Constituency)
• Robert Hoggarth (ICANN Policy Staff)
• Ken Bour (ICANN Policy Staff)
• Glen De Saint Géry (GNSO Secretariat)
Alternate Team Members in Attendance
• Ron Andruff (Business Constituency)
• Tony Holmes (Intellectual Property Constituency)
• David Maher (Registries Constituency)
1. Welcome
2. Roll call
3. Agenda approval
4. Immediate action items
a. Elect a chair (& alternate chair?)
*i. Chuck was chosen as chair.*
*ii. Olga was selected as alternate chair.*
b. Agree on parameters for participation of alternate OSC members
*i.* It was agreed that alternates would be free to participate in all
meetings and list discussions as they so desire but they would not be
required to do so.**
*ii. The primary role of an alternate is to serve as a backup in case the
primary person is unavailable.*
c. Decide on regular meeting days/time
i. *Glen will send out a Doodle meeting request to facilitate selection of a
regular meeting day and time.*
*ii. The Doodle request will include several times near the time of this
meeting (18:00 UTC) on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.*
*iii. The next meeting will be the week of 9 December.*
5. Review OSC tasks
a. Finalize OSC charter
b. Decide on what work teams to establish
c. Decide on how to finalize work team charters; should we involve the work
teams in that task?
d. Solicit work team members
6. Discuss draft OSC charter
*a. The draft charter was discussed as planned.***
7. Develop a plan for finalizing the OSC charter
a. *Rob will revise the draft charter per today’s discussions and distribute
it for list discussion and consideration at our next meeting.*
8. Decide on what initial work teams to establish
a. GNSO Operations Team?
*i. It was agreed to form this team and that it is the highest priority in
terms of getting it started because many GNSO operational procedures will
need to be in place in June when the Council bicameral voting structure
needs to be implemented.***
b. Constituency/Stakeholder Group Operations Team?
*i.* *It was agreed to form this team but noted that it makes sense for its
primary work to begin around 15 January.*
c. Communication Team?
*i. It was agreed to form this team and noted that the tasks of the team
need more detailed definition, which may be found in the draft charter for
the team.*
*ii. An immediate task would be to identify the needed elements of a
communications plan and was pointed out that, once a plan is developed, it
is possible that Staff could be mostly responsible for implementation.*
d. Other Teams?
*i. No discussion occurred regarding Special Focus Teams as mentioned in the
draft OSC Charter.*
9. Action items for next meeting
*a. Rob will revise and distribute the draft OSC Charter for list discussion
and possible action at our next meeting.*
*b. Rob will:*
*i. Develop a message for requesting participants in the three work teams*
*ii. Send the message to the OSC list for online discussion*
*iii. Send the final message to the Council list and other GNSO lists and
encourage constituency reps to forward it to their constituencies.*
*c. Everyone is asked to:*
*i. Review the draft charters for the three teams discussed above (note that
links are provided on the OSC wiki homepage)*
*ii. Send any comments, questions, suggestions for edits, etc. to the list
before the next meeting and participate in list discussion about the draft
team charters.*
*iii. Be prepared to discuss the draft team charters at our next meeting.*
*d. Glen will send out a Doodle request to facilitate finding a regular
meeting day and time going forward.*
*e. Everyone is asked to respond to the Doodle request in a timely manner.*
10. AOB
*a. It was agreed that the OSC should provide work teams with draft charters
and that the teams may propose changes.*
*b. It was suggested that individuals should not participate in more than
one work team.*
*c. The BC has already identified one participant each for the three work
2009/12/27 Stéphane Van Gelder <stephane.vangelder@xxxxxxxxx>
> I definitely remember Chuck starting off as interim and staying in as chair
> because no-one else volunteered to take over. In fact, I remember us
> discussing this during the first OSC F2F meeting.
> However, as I am getting on in years, my memory may be playing tricks on
> me. Maybe Chuck can shed some light or confirm...
> On the topic of new OSC Chair, I offered myself as interim because I always
> strive to offer a solution when I point out a problem. When I approached
> Chuck to question whether being Chair of the OSC was too much of a load on
> his shoulders now, me being interim until the OSC decides on a permanent
> Chair seemed to be a simple way to allow Chuck to move out of the role
> quickly while not leaving the OSC chairless.
> I am more than happy for someone else to take up the role. Perhaps the best
> way forward would be for the group to organise new Chair elections in the
> near future?
> Olga, your email puzzles me. You say you agree with Avri. I suppose that
> means you also agree with her statement that she has "always been concerned
> about Chairs of subgroups 'reporting' to themselves as Chairs of the
> chartering body." As you manage several groups (Geo regions, travel drafting
> team, Work Prioritization Model drafting team) you find yourself as GNSO
> Council VC in exactly the same position you seem to agree is undesirable,
> several times over! So I am puzzled because to me it seems clear that even
> though you are VC, you play a valuable role in the groups you manage. In
> fact, I also see the responsibility of the chairs/vice chairs as one of
> getting involved in the various GNSO groups when and where doing so can help
> fill a void or getting the groups in question to work. We often have
> participation problems in our groups, so although I understand the theory of
> what Avri is saying and you seem to be supporting, in practice I think
> chair/vice chair participation often helps a lot, as your personal situation
> clearly shows.
> Thanks,
> Stéphane
> Le 26 déc. 2009 à 20:40, Olga Cavalli a écrit :
> Hi,
> In relation with the OSC leadership, I do not recall that:
> "Chuck started off as interim chair of the OSC and ended up staying chair
> because no-one else volunteered to hold that role".
> What I do remember is the conference call where Chuck started as chair and
> myself as alternate chair. Maybe I am missing something, Stephane could you
> please clarifly?
> I agree with Avri that:
> "While I think having a v-chair serve in the role is less deleterious then
> having a chair serve, I still do not think of it as an optimum solution.
> I personally think that after the membership of the OSC has been
> reconfirmed by al the constituency/stakeholder groups that group of people
> should try to figure this out. And if the Council v-chair is the only
> volunteer then so be it - though I am afraid that no one will volunteer once
> the v-chair has volunteered for fear of alienating that v-chair. And while
> I have no problem with any of the individuals involved, I think it is a bad
> practice as it prevents other leaders from emerging."
> And I agree with this also being GNSO Council vice chair.
> Regards
> Olga
> 2009/12/26 Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
>> Hi,
>> I never knew that Chuck was only an interim chair - was there a continuing
>> attempt to find a non-interim chair? To recruit one would have been an
>> interim chair's responsibility - otherwise people would have felt they were
>> going up against the chair. If that interim responsibility is to fall on
>> the v-chair now, that seems ok, a long as it really is an interim
>> responsibility and Stéphane will undertake that responsibility with a view
>> to finding a non-interim chair.
>> a.
>> On 26 Dec 2009, at 08:30, Stéphane Van Gelder wrote:
>> > I approached Chuck a few days ago letting him know that if being chair
>> of the OSC was turning out to be too heavy a load in addition to his duties
>> as chair of the Council, I would be happy to step in and take over as chair
>> of the OSC on an interim basis.
>> >
>> > As a reminder, Chuck started off as interim chair of the OSC and ended
>> up staying chair because no-one else volunteered to hold that role. My logic
>> therefore was that, if the load on Chuck was now too much (which seemed
>> likely to me with Council duties), a "quick fix" was another interim chair
>> until the group voted for a permanent one.
>> >
>> > I am therefore very much in favor of doing what Chuck suggests, and am
>> happy to step in as interim if that helps get things moving and if the group
>> is happy with that.
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> >
>> > Stéphane
>> >
>> > Le 24 déc. 2009 à 20:20, Gomes, Chuck a écrit :
>> >
>> >>
>> >> Thanks for getting the discussion started Avri.
>> >>
>> >> Chuck
>> >>
>> >>> -----Original Message-----
>> >>> From: owner-gnso-osc@xxxxxxxxx
>> >>> [mailto:owner-gnso-osc@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Avri Doria
>> >>> Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2009 1:24 PM
>> >>> To: gnso-osc@xxxxxxxxx
>> >>> Subject: Re: [gnso-osc] OSC Chair Position
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> Hi,
>> >>>
>> >>> Thanks for opening this up for discussion.
>> >>>
>> >>> As you probably know, I have always been concerned about
>> >>> Chairs of subgroups 'reporting' to themselves as Chairs of
>> >>> the chartering body. I tend to think that it confuses the
>> >>> ability of the person to both be objective and neutral in the
>> >>> chartering group and strongly represent their chartered
>> >>> group. As chair of the OSC you are charged with representing,
>> >>> as strongly as possible, the needs and decisions of the OSC,
>> >>> while on the other hand as Chair of the Council you are
>> >>> required to handle the requests of all subgroups in a neutral
>> >>> and objective manner. It is difficult to be both a strong
>> >>> advocate of a group and neutral about that group at the same
>> >>> time. I must admit, I have the same concerns for v-chairs
>> >>> and believe that the chairs/v-chairs (and often even the
>> >>> members) of the chartering groups should not chair subgroups
>> >>> except in emergency situations and then only briefly.
>> >>>
>> >>> I also think that in the effort to spread the responsibility
>> >>> around among the stakeholder groups, it is important to reach
>> >>> out and to get a diverse group of leaders whenever possible.
>> >>>
>> >>> a.
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> On 24 Dec 2009, at 11:38, Gomes, Chuck wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>>> As all of you know, I was elected OSC chair when I was
>> >>> Council Vice Chair. It has been brought to my attention that
>> >>> it might be worth considering whether we should revisit the
>> >>> OSC chair role now that I am Council Chair. I am certainly
>> >>> open to that and would welcome your thoughts in that regard.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Chuck
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >
> --
> Olga Cavalli, Dr. Ing.
> www.south-ssig.com.ar
Olga Cavalli, Dr. Ing.
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