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Re: [gnso-osc] OSC approval of amended Council procedures - 5.10 statements of interest - deadline 21 January 2011

  • To: gnso-osc@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-osc] OSC approval of amended Council procedures - 5.10 statements of interest - deadline 21 January 2011
  • From: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 12:55:40 -0500

with attachment


I have added some comments and questions to Chuck's edits.  

for ease of reference:

5.2.3  I think we may need to differentiate full time employees from those who 
may be employees and not contractors, but who may have other employers as well. 
 This may be a moot point if there are not part time employees, but there could 
be part timers.

I thought we were speaking of fulltime employees when we discussed this in 

5.3.3 (2)  I pay taxes in two countries.  How do I handle this?  Would I have 
to list both?  Is that the intent?

5.3.3 (4) Re: de minimus: Is this a global term ?  Does it need to be defined 

5.3.3 (5) 

a. what does it mean to be a representative?  If  someone is reporting 
information to someone (even for pay), but  totally independent in terms of 
actions taken in the group, are they a representative?

b. Is it permitted to represent someone who wishes to remain unnamed?

5.3.3. (6i)  Does material interest have a global known definition?  Do we need 
to define this somewhere.

also in Cartagena, I thought there had not been agreement to completely remove 
disclosure of interest.  I though we had some sort of notion that there was a 
need for group participants to verbally indicate if an specific topic during a 
meeting brought up some specific issue of interest that was not immediately 
obvious from the SoI.  I thought this mean there needed to be some paragraph 
indicating that there was an obligation if during a discussions some disclosure 
became necessary, it should be made at that point in time.



Attachment: GNSO Operating Procedures v2 Section 5 Revised by OSC 05 Dec 2010 clean with Gomes+ad editx.doc
Description: MS-Word document

On 12 Jan 2011, at 04:01, Philip Sheppard wrote:

> I find all of Chuck's suggested small edits and suggestions to be helpful 
> clarification to the intent of the group in Cartagena.
> Please treat the version with Chuck's edits as the document for approval.
> Philip

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