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Re: [gnso-pednr-dt] Items left for future discussion last week

  • To: "Michele Neylon :: Blacknight" <michele@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-pednr-dt] Items left for future discussion last week
  • From: Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 11 May 2010 10:09:53 -0400

At 11/05/2010 04:28 AM, Michele Neylon :: Blacknight wrote:
> General
> =======
> What is the "reasonable" number of hours/days that provides some grace to the registrar but stops normal functioning within a reasonable amount of time?

In relation to what exactly??

Sorry - I just don't understand what you are asking here

Sorry. Several of the options say that the service (web, mail, other ports) should cease to work within "several days". This is an attempt to be more specific so that it happens (to us a US colloquialism) "real soon" but does not put the registrar under unreasonably pressure (which was raised earlier in the discussion by some registrars).


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