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Re: [gnso-pednr-dt] a great/fun example of simple-language click-through contracts

  • To: Helen <helen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-pednr-dt] a great/fun example of simple-language click-through contracts
  • From: Sivasubramanian M <isolatedn@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 00:47:00 +0530


EFF has released an interesting animation to commemorate its 20th


This is about

*Onerous user agreements.*
Users regularly click through monstrous blocks of legalese in order to use
the most popular web sites and applications. Unfortunately, these agreements
are frequently one-sided and rife with attempts to take away your rights.
EFF informs users of various pitfalls, lobbies companies to make necessary
improvements, and argues that certain rights should always remain intact.
See See EFF's 'Terms Of (Ab)use'

Sivasubramanian M

facebook: http://is.gd/x8Sh
LinkedIn: http://is.gd/x8U6
Twitter: http://is.gd/x8Vz

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 2:43 AM, Sivasubramanian M <isolatedn@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:

> Though it appears difficult, the long, complex contract can be reduced to
> five or six important points which can be prominently posted with the
> disclaimer that the simplified conditions are indicative and that the
> Registrant is bound by the full set of conditions.
> Mike and a few others could work on this, beginning with a study of typical
> registrar-registrant agreements (Godaddy, verisign, PIR and one or two other
> Registrars) and mercilessly reduce the clauses to five or six simple & short
> sentences in plain and simple English.
> That would be a beginning. If this exercise progresses further, PEDNR group
> can seek the services of a legal expert + a communications expert with a
> flair for powerfully conveying complex points in simple words
> Sivasubramanian M
> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 1:49 AM, Helen <helen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>  I like the idea but it might be hard to put all the stuff we need
>> abbreviated into a short paragraph.
>> Are you planning on bringing that thing to all the boring meetings in
>> Brussels?
>> helen
>> On 18/05/2010 12:47 PM, Mike O'Connor wrote:
>> OK, i was abusing my fingers today -- doing the Christmas shopping at 
>> ThinkGeek.  i view it a great accomplishment to have raised a whole family 
>> of geeks -- an added bonus is that it makes Christmas shopping really easy.
>> but enough about that.  as i signed up for my Geek Points rewards program, i 
>> was confronted with this page and thought it was a great example of the kind 
>> of simple-language click-through contract that has come up several times on 
>> our call.  so i thought i would share it as a best-practice example;
>> http://www.thinkgeek.com/geekpoints/enroll.shtml
>> oh...  and my favorite item for this year's present?  click here (i really 
>> enjoyed the endorsement letter at the bottom of the page);
>> http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/electronic/8c52/
>> mikey
>> - - - - - - - - -
>> phone        651-647-6109
>> fax                  866-280-2356
>> web  www.haven2.com
>> handle       OConnorStP (ID for public places like Twitter, Facebook, 
>> Google, etc.)
>> .

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