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Re: [gnso-policyimpl-dt] Updated version of Policy & Implementation WG Charter - Holly's comments

  • To: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-policyimpl-dt] Updated version of Policy & Implementation WG Charter - Holly's comments
  • From: "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 13:35:53 -0500

hi all,

thanks for your comments Chuck.

Marika folded these questions into her revised draft.  as i read that section 
of the report, i'm thinking that whole section could use a rewrite to make it 
flow better.  i'll take a run at that, but probably won't get to it until 
Thursday -- so if anybody wants to take a pass at it beforehand, that would be 
great.  we can work Chuck's ideas into that next draft.  i don't think there 
are a lot of substantive changes to the section, it's just that it's showing 
the wear and tear of several different drafts and authors.  


On Jun 24, 2013, at 6:42 PM, "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Thanks Mikey.  Please see my responses below.
> Chuck
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-gnso-policyimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx 
> [mailto:owner-gnso-policyimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mike O'Connor
> Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 8:13 AM
> To: gnso-policyimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [gnso-policyimpl-dt] Updated version of Policy & Implementation 
> WG Charter - Holly's comments
> hi all,
> i've done another round of the questions.  i've added the new ones and 
> restructured the old ones just a bit to reflect some of the conversation on 
> this thread.  this is being done in "mind mapping" software, so it's 
> extremely easy to revise and rearrange if you don't like something.  see what 
> you think.  
> Questions
>    What lessons can be learned from past experience?[Chuck Gomes]
>        What are the consequences of an action being considered "policy" vs. 
> "implementation?[Chuck Gomes]  I am not sure how useful this question is 
> without some context.  It is easily answered in the current context of how 
> the BGC considered the question, i.e., the concluded that they do whatever 
> they want if something is implementation. But many in the GNSO think that is 
> not appropriate.  I think the next question is more useful.
>        Why does it matter if something is "policy" or "implementation"?[Chuck 
> Gomes]  I think this is a useful questions.
>        How do we avoid the current morass of outcome-derived labeling (i.e., 
> I will call this policy because I want certain consequences/"handling 
> instructions" to be attached to it)?[Chuck Gomes]  Could be useful.
>        Can we answer these questions so the definitions of "policy" and 
> "implementation" matter less, if at all?[Chuck Gomes]  I think this has some 
> potential value.
>    What options are available for policy and implementation efforts and what 
> are the criteria for determining which should be used?[Chuck Gomes]  Should 
> this be two questions? 1) criteria for each; 2) what options for each - 
> although, I am not sure what this is asking.
>        Are policy and implementation on a spectrum rather than binary?[Chuck 
> Gomes]  I like this a lot.
>        What are the flavors of "policy" and what consequences should attach 
> to each flavor?[Chuck Gomes]  Probably useful.  What is meant by 
> consequences?  Probably should be clarified.
>        What happens if you change those consequences?
>    Who determines the choice between whether something is policy or 
> implementation?[Chuck Gomes]  Important question (s).
>        How is policy set/recommended/adopted and do different paths lead to 
> different "flavors"?
>        Who makes these determinations and how?
>        How are the policy vs implementation decisions reviewed and approved?
>        What happens if the reviewing bodies come to a deadlock?
>    What is the process by which this identification, analysis, review and 
> approval work is done?
>        How are "policy and implementation" issues first identified (before, 
> during and after implementation)?  [Chuck Gomes]  +
>        What is the role of the GNSO vs. the GNSO Council in setting 
> policy?[Chuck Gomes]  As previously communicated, I think Kristina is right 
> on this.  It is already answered in the Bylaws.
>        What is the role of the GNSO in implementation?[Chuck Gomes]  Critical 
> question.
>        In order to maintain multi-stakeholder processes, once policy moves to 
> implementation how should the community be involved in a way that is 
> meaningful and effective?[Chuck Gomes]  Critical question.
>        Should policy staff be involved through the implementation process to 
> facilitate continuity of the MSM process that already occurred?
> [Chuck Gomes] Good question, as previously noted.
> On Jun 24, 2013, at 6:59 AM, Jordyn Buchanan <jordyn@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I'm saying that essentially all the discussion (in this drafting team) 
>> about the past have focused on one specific situation, and that 
>> situation is both polarizing and one that the staff has already 
>> acknowledged was not handled ideally.  If we continue to frame our 
>> discussions around it, I think the odds of talking past each other are 
>> really high.  So, personally, I'd prefer to find some other examples 
>> just to avoid the WG from becoming the "Was the Strawman okay or not?
>> WG".
>> On the other hand, I do think your question is totally reasonable, and 
>> I think making sure that we don't lose the features of 
>> multi-stakeholderism and appropriate community involvement in 
>> implementation is a critical part of a successful eventual outcome for 
>> the WG.
>> Jordyn
>> On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 7:46 AM, Tim Ruiz <tim@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Effective solutions to problems cannot be found if the WG does not consider 
>>> the events from which the problem arose. I think we seem to be in agreement 
>>> on that. If you don't agree that my example is one of those problems, 
>>> that's fine and even expected. I am not suggesting we include specific 
>>> examples or rehash them. It was simply "my" example that lead to why I 
>>> think Alan's question should be included, but modified as I suggested. To 
>>> be clearer, that question might be:
>>> In order to maintain multi-stakeholder processes, once policy moves to 
>>> implementation how should the community be involved in a way that is 
>>> meaningful and effective?
>>> Tim
>>> On Jun 23, 2013, at 6:11 PM, "Jordyn Buchanan" <jordyn@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> While I know that some of the impetus for the Policy and 
>>>> Implementation work came from a specific set of events, I'm not sure 
>>>> we're going to get to the best outcomes in either the drafting team 
>>>> or the eventual working group by either framing the work around 
>>>> those events, or by spending too much time revisiting those debates.  
>>>> It is helpful to look at what has worked well in the past and what 
>>>> hasn't, but this will require a broader survey of past efforts and 
>>>> we really should look just as hard at good examples as problematic ones.
>>>> I also think we're in danger of getting into the weeds a bit here 
>>>> working through some of the substantive issues rather than framing 
>>>> the scope of the working group.  We shouldn't necessarily be 
>>>> assuming what the outcomes of the WG are going to look like; rather, 
>>>> we should make sure they're chartered to look at the right problems.
>>>> Returning to the first two assumptions that Chuck and I laid out 
>>>> around the WG's mission, it seems to me that there's way more low 
>>>> hanging fruit around getting the stuff that happens after a policy 
>>>> is adopted (a.k.a. "implementation") to work effectively and 
>>>> consistently rather than attempting to grapple with topics like how 
>>>> the GNSO is structured, which feel like quagmires and are already 
>>>> properly in the scope of the GNSO review.  I'm hoping that, to the 
>>>> extent people feel strongly about some of this stuff, we can at 
>>>> least agree to structure the charter in a way that the WG can start 
>>>> off creating some structure where there is none before attempting to 
>>>> grapple with these much more challenging issues.  One of the key failings 
>>>> of our policy vs.
>>>> implementation debate is that tons of people believe the 
>>>> policy-making progress is fundamentally broken.  Let's prove them 
>>>> wrong by chartering a WG that can get some useful stuff done.
>>>> Jordyn
>>>> On Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 11:45 AM, Tim Ruiz <tim@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> I like that question and agree it should be in the charter. That said:
>>>>> I also want to note that as part of the new gTLD PDP there were a 
>>>>> number of off shoot WGs that dealt with different issues. One WG 
>>>>> that I was on was tasked with determining if additional protection 
>>>>> mechanisms were needed to fulfill one of the PDP principals. There 
>>>>> was clearly NO consensus that any were needed and I believe the 
>>>>> majority agreed that none were needed with only the Business and IP 
>>>>> constituents not agreeing.
>>>>> Of course those are powerful constituents with a lot of money and 
>>>>> influence so the issue did not die there and they continued to 
>>>>> lobby the Board, the GAC, the US Capitol Hill, etc. until they got 
>>>>> what they wanted. And while some may point out that those issues 
>>>>> ultimately came back to the GNSO for resolution, they came back as 
>>>>> "this will happen, and this is your chance to have some say as to 
>>>>> how." So you can call that MSM if you want, you can call it 
>>>>> implementation if you want. In reality it was an override of what 
>>>>> the majority of the community had already decided. It was a modification 
>>>>> of the policy established by legitimate MSM mechanisms.
>>>>> So Alan's comment, "Once it moves to implementation, if the policy 
>>>>> has not been specified in excruciating detail, this too needs to 
>>>>> involve the community, perhaps in more of a consultative mode." is 
>>>>> one I also strongly agree with buy beyond just consultative. The 
>>>>> community needs to be involved in a meaningful and effective way to 
>>>>> avoid powerful, wealthy special interest groups from capturing the 
>>>>> process.
>>>>> Tim
>>>>> On Jun 22, 2013, at 10:12 AM, "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Alan,
>>>>> You make some excellent points in a very articulate manner. I agree 
>>>>> that the "entire current policy vs implementation debate (can) be a 
>>>>> red herring" and I think it is therefore important that the charter help 
>>>>> the WG avoid that.
>>>>> I also think that you are right on in saying, "to the extent that 
>>>>> implementation is making decision which have substantive impact on 
>>>>> what the final product does or how stakeholders are impacted, we 
>>>>> need to maintain the MSM".  I think it is true that "at some level 
>>>>> "implementation" is really just that, the details and mechanics of 
>>>>> moving something from a piece of paper to reality" and that may be 
>>>>> a good start in defining implementation, but it is critical that the MSM 
>>>>> continue throughout that process.
>>>>> Finally, with regard to your last paragraph on policy staff 
>>>>> involvement, I wonder if another question we should add to the 
>>>>> charter is the following or something like it:  "Should policy 
>>>>> staff be involved through the implementation process to facilitate 
>>>>> continuity of the MSM process that already occurred?"
>>>>> Chuck
>>>>> From: owner-gnso-policyimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>> [mailto:owner-gnso-policyimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Alan 
>>>>> Greenberg
>>>>> Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 8:44 PM
>>>>> To: Mike O'Connor; gnso-policyimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>> Subject: Re: [gnso-policyimpl-dt] Updated version of Policy & 
>>>>> Implementation WG Charter - Holly's comments
>>>>> Mikey,
>>>>> My thoughts on this have changed significantly over the past weeks. 
>>>>> I said a bit of this on the call last week, but I will try to expand it 
>>>>> here.
>>>>> I think that the entire current policy vs implementation debate is 
>>>>> a red herring and a diversion. If multi-stakeholderism has any 
>>>>> meaning, there cannot be a sharp line drawn where it suddenly ceases to 
>>>>> be important.
>>>>> Certainly, at some level "implementation" is really just that, the 
>>>>> details and mechanics of moving something from a piece of paper to 
>>>>> reality. But to the extent that implementation is making decision 
>>>>> which have substantive impact on what the final product does or how 
>>>>> stakeholders are impacted, we need to maintain the MSM.
>>>>> If we take the new gTLD program as an example, for reasons of 
>>>>> exhaustion or based on careful thought, many of the PDP recommendations 
>>>>> were very general.
>>>>> Moreover, the PDP came out with "principles" which implies that 
>>>>> there will be substantive decisions made moving to a real-life 
>>>>> implementation. If the PDP task Force had chosen to specify things 
>>>>> in more details, we would have taken that as "policy". Since they 
>>>>> didn't, it is implementation. ut that does not alter the need for 
>>>>> community involvement in the ensuing decisions.
>>>>> Moreover, if we look at the process which took us from the PDP Recs 
>>>>> accepted by the Board, to the final launch of the program, we find 
>>>>> that this WAS a consultative process. When the IRT recommendations 
>>>>> failed to receive strong support, and the staff proposal for a URS 
>>>>> and TMCH had even less support, the GNSO was given the task of pulling 
>>>>> together this "implementation" issue.
>>>>> So yes, at some point things become implementation when the 
>>>>> mechanics are put in place. But what we are currently calling 
>>>>> implementation is at a far higher level.
>>>>> Now, there *IS* a difference based on how we do it today. *Policy" 
>>>>> is developed by the GNSO essentially as an independent exercise 
>>>>> with minimal involvement from non-policy staff (although Fadi has 
>>>>> correctly declared that these folks can no longer ignore the 
>>>>> process). Once it moves to implementation, if the policy has not 
>>>>> been specified in excruciating detail, this too needs to involve 
>>>>> the community, perhaps in more of a consultative mode.
>>>>> Alan
>>>>> At 6/21/2013 11:59 AM, Mike O'Connor wrote:
>>>>> i've had a go at smashing together the lists of questions that Greg 
>>>>> and i came up with -- and "clump" them a bit.  see what you think 
>>>>> of this.  Greg, this especially means you -- i always worry that 
>>>>> i've lost essential meaning when i rework stuff like this.  no 
>>>>> editorial pride, please fix anything you find broken.
>>>>> Questions
>>>>> Why does it matter if something is "policy" or "implementation"?
>>>>>   What are the consequences of an action being considered "policy" vs.
>>>>> "implementation?
>>>>>   What happens if you change those consequences?
>>>>>   How do we avoid the current morass of outcome-derived labeling 
>>>>> (i.e., I will call this policy because I want certain 
>>>>> consequences/"handling instructions" to be attached to it)?
>>>>>   Can we answer these questions so the definitions of "policy" and 
>>>>> "implementation" matter less, if at all?
>>>>> What are the flavors of "policy" and what consequences should 
>>>>> attach to each flavor?
>>>>>   Are policy and implementation on a spectrum rather than binary?
>>>>>   What options are available for policy and implementation efforts 
>>>>> and what are the criteria for determining which should be used?
>>>>> Who determines the choice between whether something is policy or 
>>>>> implementation?
>>>>>   How is policy set/recommended/adopted and do different paths 
>>>>> lead to different "flavors"?
>>>>>   Who makes these determinations and how?
>>>>>   How are the policy vs implementation decisions reviewed and approved?
>>>>>   What happens if the reviewing bodies come to a deadlock?
>>>>> What is the process by which this identification, analysis, review 
>>>>> and approval work is done?
>>>>>   How are "policy and implementation" issues first identified 
>>>>> (before, during and after implementation)?
>>>>>     What is the role of the GNSO in implementation?
>>>>>   What is the role of the GNSO vs. the GNSO Council in setting policy?
>>>>> On Jun 21, 2013, at 8:52 AM, "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> I agree that the list of questions should not be considered to be 
>>>>> exhaustive.  I wonder if we should treat some questions as 
>>>>> mandatory (or at least strongly encouraged) and others as optional 
>>>>> as well as encouraging the WG to create additional questions.  It 
>>>>> seems to me that it would be really important for some questions to 
>>>>> be answered by the WG; if we make them optional, there is the risk that 
>>>>> they won't be addressed.
>>>>> Chuck
>>>>> From: owner-gnso-policyimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner- 
>>>>> gnso-policyimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mike O'Connor
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 2:59 PM
>>>>> To: gnso-policyimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>> Subject: Re: [gnso-policyimpl-dt] Updated version of Policy & 
>>>>> Implementation WG Charter - Holly's comments
>>>>> i'm fine with staying with "policy and implementation" -- and i 
>>>>> think this has been a useful conversation.
>>>>> i like Greg's questions too -- and would be fine including them in 
>>>>> the charter as representative of the questions the WG should take 
>>>>> up.  but i wouldn't want to treat them as an exhaustive or complete list.
>>>>> many charters include a series of questions for the WG to answer -- 
>>>>> and we could do the same with this charter.  or we could leave the 
>>>>> WG the flexibility to come up with questions on their own, 
>>>>> especially during the part of the work where it is reviewing the 
>>>>> past and trying to extract lessons-learned.  given that we're a 
>>>>> small Drafting Team working under a tight deadline, my leaning is 
>>>>> to let the WG build its own questions.  that's why i decided to 
>>>>> leave my little series of questions out of the charter -- it seems 
>>>>> like the charter as written give the WG the flexibility to pick up my 
>>>>> questions, Greg's questions and other questions yet to be developed.
>>>>> mikey
>>>>> On Jun 20, 2013, at 1:30 PM, WUKnoben < 
>>>>> wolf-ulrich.knoben@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Let's stay with "policy and implementation" simply since the GNSO 
>>>>> council mandated us by using this phrase.
>>>>> I agree that all the questions mentioned by Greg should be 
>>>>> discussed by the WG we're going to charter. What we're talking 
>>>>> about are policies which are based on a PDP and policies which have 
>>>>> been developed through other "processes" (it could be just 1 step). 
>>>>> Inherent to all these kinds of processes is their need for implementation.
>>>>> There is the interaction aspect between policy and implementation 
>>>>> which should be reflected in the charter as well as the impact om 
>>>>> implementation on policy (development).
>>>>> Therefore clear definitions are essential
>>>>> Best regards
>>>>> Wolf-Ulrich Knoben
>>>>> From: Gomes, Chuck
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 7:12 PM
>>>>> To: Shatan, Gregory S. ; gnso-policyimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>> Subject: RE: [gnso-policyimpl-dt] Updated version of Policy & 
>>>>> Implementation WG Charter - Holly's comments
>>>>> I agree with Greg a lot in his 'bigger questions' paragraph.  He 
>>>>> raises some really good questions.  Should some of those be added 
>>>>> to the charter?  I tend to think that might be a good idea.
>>>>> Chuck
>>>>> From: owner-gnso-policyimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner- 
>>>>> gnso-policyimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Shatan, Gregory S.
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 12:30 PM
>>>>> To: gnso-policyimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>> Subject: RE: [gnso-policyimpl-dt] Updated version of Policy & 
>>>>> Implementation WG Charter - Holly's comments
>>>>> It is the view of some, but by no means all, that "the development 
>>>>> or modification of policy under the guise of 'implementation 
>>>>> details'" has occurred.  I would submit that what has occurred in 
>>>>> those instances is an attempt to halt the development or 
>>>>> modification of implementation by attempting to recast it as 
>>>>> "policy."  Without definitions of "policy" and "implementation," no 
>>>>> one can say who's right and who's wrong.  This is where history has 
>>>>> brought us, and I think this group is here to avoid having history repeat 
>>>>> itself.
>>>>> "What is policy" and "What is implementation" are important 
>>>>> questions, but they are small questions in a sense.  They assume 
>>>>> that the answers matter because they will plug into the current 
>>>>> framework or branching variable sets used for "policy" and 
>>>>> "implementation."  As long as this is the case, policy vs. 
>>>>> implementation will just be a tug of war to bring a task into one set of 
>>>>> outcomes or the other.
>>>>> The bigger questions are more interesting.  Why does it matter if 
>>>>> something is "policy" or "implementation"? What are the 
>>>>> consequences of an action being considered "policy" vs. 
>>>>> "implementation?  What happens if you change those consequences?  
>>>>> What are the flavors of "policy" and what consequences should 
>>>>> attach to each flavor?  How is policy set/recommended/adopted and 
>>>>> do different paths lead to different "flavors"?  How do we avoid 
>>>>> the current morass of outcome-derived labeling (i.e., I will call this 
>>>>> policy because I want certain consequences/"handling instructions" to be 
>>>>> attached to it)?
>>>>> Are policy and implementation on a spectrum rather than binary?  
>>>>> What is the role of the GNSO in implementation?  What is the role 
>>>>> of the GNSO vs. the GNSO Council in setting policy?  Can we answer 
>>>>> these questions so the definitions of "policy" and "implementation" 
>>>>> matter less, if at all?
>>>>> That said, I don't particularly care whether the WG is "Policy & 
>>>>> Implementation" or "Policy vs. Implementation".  I think the first 
>>>>> implies a broader set of tasks and outcomes for the WG and would tend to 
>>>>> support it.
>>>>> However, I think we are here because ICANN history is riddled with 
>>>>> battles over "policy vs. implementation".
>>>>> Greg
>>>>> From: owner-gnso-policyimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>> [mailto:owner-gnso-policyimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Tim Ruiz
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 11:51 AM
>>>>> To: Gomes, Chuck
>>>>> Cc: Mike O'Connor; gnso-policyimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>> Subject: Re: [gnso-policyimpl-dt] Updated version of Policy & 
>>>>> Implementation WG Charter - Holly's comments
>>>>> I don't care either way as long as an important underlying goal is 
>>>>> not lost
>>>>> - not allowing the development or modification of policy under the 
>>>>> guise of "implementation details." That is the primary motivation 
>>>>> that got the GNSO Council interested in this issue.
>>>>> Tim
>>>>> On Jun 20, 2013, at 9:41 AM, "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Based on the conversations on the Council and in other settings I 
>>>>> think the leaning was to say 'policy and implementation' because 'policy 
>>>>> v.
>>>>> implementation' implies it is one against the other, a situation 
>>>>> that isn't necessarily true.  I support this view.
>>>>> Chuck
>>>>> From: owner-gnso-policyimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx [ 
>>>>> mailto:owner-gnso-policyimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mike 
>>>>> O'Connor
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 9:20 AM
>>>>> To: gnso-policyimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>> Subject: Re: [gnso-policyimpl-dt] Updated version of Policy & 
>>>>> Implementation WG Charter - Holly's comments
>>>>> hi Marika,
>>>>> this is really helpful and i support your suggested wording, with 
>>>>> one incredible nitpick editing suggestion.
>>>>> i think it would be helpful to replace the slash "/" in your bullet 
>>>>> 1 with a word.  Avri and i had a riotous off-list conversation as 
>>>>> to whether this effort is called "policy vs implementation" (my 
>>>>> words) or "policy AND implementation" (the words that show up everywhere 
>>>>> else).
>>>>> i gently prefer "policy versus implementation" because it implies 
>>>>> that this is about the exploring how the choice between various 
>>>>> courses of action are defined and implemented.  "Policy AND 
>>>>> implementation" can be interpreted much more broadly, which may not 
>>>>> be what was intended.  i don't have a strong preference here and 
>>>>> can happily live with our current wording.  but i think "policy / 
>>>>> implementation" is ambiguous -- plus i bet that non-native English 
>>>>> speakers will be confused by that construct.
>>>>> see?  one character.  this may be a personal-best smallest-nitpick for me.
>>>>> :-)
>>>>> thanks,
>>>>> mikey
>>>>> On Jun 20, 2013, at 6:10 AM, Marika Konings 
>>>>> <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx >
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Dear All,
>>>>> Following further conversations with Holly, I would like you to 
>>>>> consider the following rewording of the mission & scope section to 
>>>>> address the points raised by Holly in her original email (note that 
>>>>> Holly supports these as
>>>>> reworded):
>>>>> The Policy & Implementation Working Group is tasked to provide the 
>>>>> GNSO Council with a set of recommendations on:
>>>>> 1.     A set of principles that would underpin any GNSO policy /
>>>>> implementation related discussions;
>>>>> 2.     Recommendations on a process for providing GNSO "Policy Guidance",
>>>>> including criteria for when it would be appropriate to use such a 
>>>>> process instead of a GNSO Policy Development Process;
>>>>> 3.     A framework for implementation related discussions related to GNSO
>>>>> Policy Recommendations, including criteria for when something is to 
>>>>> be considered policy and when it should be considered 
>>>>> implementation, and;
>>>>> 4.     Further guidance on how GNSO Implementation Review Teams are 
>>>>> expected
>>>>> to function and operate.
>>>>> Please feel free to share any additional comments and/or edits you 
>>>>> may have on this section or other parts of the draft charter with the 
>>>>> mailing list.
>>>>> With best regards,
>>>>> Marika
>>>>> From: Marika Konings <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx >
>>>>> Date: Thursday 20 June 2013 09:28
>>>>> To: Holly Raiche < h.raiche@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "
>>>>> gnso-policyimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx" < gnso-policyimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> Subject: Re: [gnso-policyimpl-dt] Updated version of Policy & 
>>>>> Implementation WG Charter - Holly's comments
>>>>> Holly, just a question of clarification, your proposed edits seem 
>>>>> to have removed two objectives that were identified by the GNSO 
>>>>> Council as needing to be included as a minimum, namely:
>>>>> Recommendations on a process for providing GNSO "Policy Guidance"
>>>>> A framework for implementation related discussions related to GNSO 
>>>>> Policy Recommendations
>>>>> Was that intentionally?
>>>>> In relation to your proposed addition 'Recommendations on  how to 
>>>>> determine whe[n] a policy should only be finalised through a PDP 
>>>>> process and when it can be determined by a less formal process', 
>>>>> Annex A of the ICANN Bylaws already states that 'If the GNSO is 
>>>>> conducting activities that are not intended to result in a 
>>>>> Consensus Policy, the Council may act through other processes'. The 
>>>>> main issue (at least from my perspective) is that there currently 
>>>>> are no formal 'other processes' by which such other activities, that are 
>>>>> not intended to result in consensus policies, can be carried out.
>>>>> The GNSO has used various ad-hoc processes in the past (with 
>>>>> varying degrees of success), but as these processes do not have any 
>>>>> formal standing under the current Bylaws or GNSO Operating 
>>>>> Procedures, there is also no formal requirement for the ICANN Board 
>>>>> to recognise these recommendations in a similar way as they are 
>>>>> required to do for PDP recommendations (see section
>>>>> 9 of Annex A). Hence, the importance of developing such other 
>>>>> processes, such as "GNSO Policy Guidance", to allow for other 
>>>>> mechanisms to develop GNSO non-consensus policy recommendations.
>>>>> With best regards,
>>>>> Marika
>>>>> From: Holly Raiche < h.raiche@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> Date: Thursday 20 June 2013 01:53
>>>>> To: " gnso-policyimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx" < gnso-policyimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> Cc: Marika Konings <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx >
>>>>> Subject: Re: [gnso-policyimpl-dt] Updated version of Policy & 
>>>>> Implementation WG Charter - Holly's comments
>>>>> Thanks everyone for the comments, particularly Marika for turning 
>>>>> the document around so quickly.
>>>>> As we agreed at the last meeting, what we need to lock in by the 
>>>>> next meeting is the Mission and Scope.  Once that is done, we can 
>>>>> move on to the objectives and goals (noting how little time we have for 
>>>>> both).
>>>>> With that in mind, I'd like to clarify the  suggested Mission and 
>>>>> Scope statement, reflecting where we got to at the last meeting.
>>>>> And my recollection is that there was still discussion on what is 
>>>>> 'policy' - not that this DT will define it, but that it is an 
>>>>> issues.  Specifically, there was discussion arising from the 
>>>>> 'Framework" document on policy - anything from the more formal 
>>>>> 'policy' decisions made through a PDP process to the less formal 'policy' 
>>>>> as procedure.
>>>>> AS Chuck has said in his most recent comments, 'all processes, 
>>>>> policy and implementation and the framework for interaction between 
>>>>> the two need to be multi-stakeholder.  so our scope is clearly beyond 
>>>>> just policy as PDP.
>>>>> So may I suggest the following as a revised Mission and Scope:
>>>>> Key Assumptions:
>>>>> Processes for the development of a formal policy through the PDP 
>>>>> process are well understood
>>>>> Processes for determining whether the development of a policy 
>>>>> should be undertaken through a PDP process or a less formal process 
>>>>> are not well understood
>>>>> The process for determining when a policy has been decided and the 
>>>>> remaining task is to implement the policy is not well defined
>>>>> All processes, policy and implementation and the framework for 
>>>>> interaction between the two need to be multi-stakeholder
>>>>> Mission for the WG:
>>>>> The Policy & Implementation Working Group is tasked to provide the 
>>>>> GNSO Council with a recommendations on:
>>>>> 1.     Principles that underpin any GNSO policy / implementation related
>>>>> discussions;
>>>>> 2.     Recommendations on  how to determine whe a policy should only be
>>>>> finalised through a PDP process and when it can be determined by a 
>>>>> less formal process;
>>>>> 3.     A framework for determining when an issue is about 'policy' and 
>>>>> when
>>>>> the issue has progressed to the implementation of policy, and;
>>>>> 4.     Further guidance on how GNSO Implementation Review Teams are 
>>>>> expected
>>>>> to function and operate.
>>>>> I realise that the text will take discussion, but my fear is that, 
>>>>> unless we put the issues into the Mission and Scope section, they will be 
>>>>> lost.
>>>>> Holly
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