[gnso-policyimpl-wg] Proposed agenda for WG meeting on 30 July
Dear WG members, The proposed agenda for the next WG meeting on Wednesday 30 July is as follows: 1. Roll Call /Updates to SOI 2. Review draft GNSO Processes flow charts (updated and circulated on 24 July) 3. Continue review of Deliverable I item E(a), E(b) and E(c) (updated and circulated on 24 July) 4. Review of Deliverable I Item F (SG/C/SO/AC input received) form small team to review comments and draft response? 5. Confirm next steps / next meeting For Agenda Item #2, please review the following questions that Marika had circulated on 24 July. We hope they will be useful as you discuss the draft GNSO Processes flow chart: * Do the two draft processes (Policy Guidance Process and Policy Input Processes) align with the WG's thinking and discussions to date? If not, what other processes / elements would need to be explored? * What voting thresholds should be associated with initiating a Policy Guidance Process or alike, as well as adoption of recommendations? * Should Board consideration of recommendations following a Policy Guidance Process (or similar) follow the same process as is currently used for PDP recommendations? * Should the WG explore a Policy Guidance Process or similar to also be available to develop modified consensus policy recommendations in those limited circumstances in which either limited changes need to be made following implementation of a consensus policy (based on data gathered or practical experience) or where additional scoping information is already available based on previous efforts? * (not necessarily for Deliverable I, but to keep in mind) How do these processes align with a possible process that would need to be available during implementation of policy recommendations and that could be invoked by Implementation Review Teams/GNSO Council in case policy/implementation issues are identified that need further consideration by the broader community? The updated documents that were circulated on 24 July have been uploaded to the WG wiki space: https://community.icann.org/x/K77hAg and will, as usual, also be made available in the Adobe Connect room for the meeting. Thanks and cheers Mary Mary Wong Senior Policy Director Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN) Telephone: +1 603 574 4892 Email: mary.wong@xxxxxxxxx Attachment: