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[gnso-ppsc-wg] The importance of Liasions in new structures

  • To: "gnso-ppsc-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-ppsc-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-ppsc-wg] The importance of Liasions in new structures
  • From: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 08 May 2009 11:42:03 -0400


One of the topics that has been on my mind lately is the importance of
creating guideline liaison roles and of having good people fill those

And I mean all sorts of liaisons:

- Between the council and any WG, especially PDP working groups
- Between council and board
- between council and ccNSO
- between council and ACs

While the specific reasons for each type of liaison varies with the
group, some of the general reasons are:

- can foster greater understanding of the actions and context of actions
- allows for early view of what is going on
- allows for early input on issues, so that there are fewer surprises at
the end
- avoids having policy staff as the sole communication path between
ICANN entities

In terms of Council and WG, the task of this committee, I think it is
important part of the management relationship especially in PDPs, and
signals that a WG is not cast into the wind to come back when it is
done.  It makes sure that there is someone at every council meeting who
can speak on the status of the group (in additions to the policy staff
support person) and someone who can intervene for the group when it need
charter clarification or change.

While the liaison is mentioned, I think we need to develop the notion of
the role of liaisons.  In the case of the PDP the role should be well
defined and somewhat constant across all PDP WGs.  In terms of other WG,
i.e. those formed on some policy issue but not as part of execution  of
a PDP process, more flexibility might be ok.

I wonder whether it might be useful to create a guidance document on

(Note: when defining something as guidance instead of rules, i mean that
in guidance one should be required to document it when they decide to do
something different.  And in the case of WGs, i think of all of the work
we are doing as guidance not rules, where a PDP WG has a higher
threshold on following the guidance more strictly.  I am not sure if my
understanding is in line with the group or not.  but i am sure that KB
will tell me where i err.)



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