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[gnso-pro-wg] Statement of Interest - Jon Nevett

  • To: <gnso-pro-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-pro-wg] Statement of Interest - Jon Nevett
  • From: "Nevett, Jonathon" <jnevett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 11:20:45 -0500

Interest Statement of Jon Nevett for the GNSO Working Group on
Protecting the Rights of Others


February 27, 2007


I am Vice President of Network Solutions, LLC, responsible for policy,
government affairs, and business ethics.  Network Solutions includes
three ICANN accredited registrars, each of which may benefit from the
possible implementation of new TLDs.  


Network Solutions is a member of the Registrar Constituency ("RC") of
the GNSO.  In May 2006, I was elected Chair of the RC.  While I was not
elected by the RC to serve on this Working Group, I am on the Executive
Committee of the RC and have an obligation to present and discuss
various RC members' views to the Working Group as they are made known to


Network Solutions also is a member of the United States Council for
International Business (USCIB). The USCIB is a member of the Business
Constituency of the GNSO. Our primary interest in the USCIB is the DNS
and Internet Identifiers Working Group, of which I am Co-Chair.  The
USCIB includes members who will have an interest in the implementation
of new TLDs. 


I also serve on the Direct Marketing Association's Interactive Marketing


My primary interest in the Working Group is the opportunity to provide
input on the necessity of protecting Intellectual Property rights during
the launch of new gTLDs.  If it is determined that such protection is
necessary, providing input in the process so that ICANN arrives at a
fair method of registration of domain names related to the intellectual
property rights of prospective registrants.  





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