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[gnso-pro-wg] .BIZ Proof of Concept Report

  • To: <gnso-pro-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-pro-wg] .BIZ Proof of Concept Report
  • From: "Rosette, Kristina" <krosette@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 09:46:59 -0500


At Jeff's request in light of posting difficulties, I have attached a
copy of the final .BIZ Proof of Concept Report, and copy below the body
of Jeff's cover message.




Please find enclosed a copy of the final .BIZ Proof of Concept Report
that was submitted by NeuStar (formerly NeuLevel) in 2004, which
addresses the unique launch processes used for .BIZ and the issues that
were raised.  We are not sure why this report was not posted by ICANN.

In this report, you will find an honest retrospective on the
Intellectual Property Claims process, the application process and the
STOP dispute resolution procedures.  As you will notice from the report,
we tried to construct it in such a way as to serve as helpful guide for
future TLDs.  Thus, we are very candid about the numerous issues we
encountered with the launch. 

You will also notice a chart and explanation of the nearly $10 million
NeuLevel spent on marketing the .BIZ TLD during the initial launch
process to spread the word about the protections offered to the IP
community and to generate awareness for the .BIZ TLD.  These costs
cannot be overlooked for future TLDs.  

I would be happy to answer any questions you might have on this.

Jeffrey J. Neuman, Esq. 
Sr. Director, Law, Advanced Services  & Business Development 

NeuStar, Inc. 
 <<POC Final Edits.pdf>>   

Attachment: POC Final Edits.pdf
Description: POC Final Edits.pdf

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