[gnso-raa-b] further revised RAA topics chart
RAA subteam B -- Attached please find a revised version of the chart prepared by staff compiling the topics submitted. I have added the two topics listed below, which were omitted from the earlier version; given each submitted item a unique number (e.g., there were three submissions listed under item 4.4); and fixed a couple of numbering and formatting problems (e.g., there were two topics numbered 12 in the earlier versions). I have not done any other consolidation or rearrangement of the chart. I'll use this revised (Dec. 30) version to get some discussion threads started in advance of our call next Tuesday. Steve Metalitz ________________________________ From: owner-gnso-raa-b@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-raa-b@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Metalitz, Steven Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2009 12:01 PM To: gnso-raa-b@xxxxxxxxx Subject: [gnso-raa-b] additional items for RAA topics chart RAA subteam B -- I note a couple of items that were in the IPC working group list of suggested RAA amendment topics that did not make it into the most recent (December 3?) version of the chart prepared by staff. These should be inserted as shown below: 1. Due Diligence and Transparency A. Registrar required to provide ICANN with its current standard registration agreement, if any, and to keep it current (This would fit under topic 10) 4. UDRP-related requirements A. Establishment of firm and enforceable deadlines for registrars (a) to respond to dispute resolution provider's requests for information in connection with registrar verification processes at the inception of a UDRP proceeding; and (b) to provide for transfer of the domain name to the petitioner pursuant to standard and (preferably) simplified processes. (This goes under topic 14) As discussed on our most recent call, I will endeavor, before our next call on January 5 (see below), to initiate some threads on the categories of topics on the chart that we did not reach in our discussion (starting with topic 5, compliance). As on the call, the issues are to try to allocate the topic (or subtopic) to a relatively higher or lower priority tier, and to identify any topics that (in the words of our organic resolution) "may require further analysis as to impact on consensus policy." In the meantime, best wishes for a happy holiday season and for a peaceful and productive 2010! Steve Metalitz ________________________________ From: owner-gnso-raa-b@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-raa-b@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Gisella Gruber-White Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 10:13 AM To: gnso-raa-b@xxxxxxxxx Subject: [gnso-raa-b] Meeting Invitation / Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) Sub Team B / Tuesday 05 January 2010 @ 1800 UTC Dear All, Please do not reply to the ntfy list. Further to the Doodle poll, please note that the Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) Sub Team B call is scheduled on Tuesday 05 January 2010 at 1800 UTC. (10:00 PST, 13:00 EST, 18:00 London, 19:00 CET, 02:00 Hong Kong/Singapore, 05:00 Sydney) Dial-in details will be sent out with the reminder Wiki Working Space: https://st.icann.org/raa-related/index.cgi?joint_alac_gnso_wg_and_at_lar ge_workspace_on_raa_related The draft agenda (to be updated shortly) and meeting details can be found at: https://st.icann.org/raa-related/index.cgi?05_january_2010 Adobe Connect: RAA DT Sub-WG B: http://icann.na3.acrobat.com/raa-dt/ Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. Kind regards, Gisella ---------------------------- Gisella Gruber-White On behalf of GNSO and ALAC Secretariats Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Email: gisella.gruber-white@xxxxxxxxx Tel: +44 7545 334 360 Skype ID: gisella.gw Attachment: