[gnso-raa-b] Revised Draft Initial Report
Dear All, Please find enclosed a clean and redlined version of the RAA Draft Initial Report for your review. Please provide final edits by no later than COB Wednesday 26 May. I am in the process of formatting each document for inclusion into the addenda, and will continue to proofread the document for typos/grammatical errors. I plan to send around on Thursday morning to you a final document with all [brackets/DRAFT] removed, and all content for the attachments included, for publishing by Friday 28 May. Thank you for all of your hard work in putting together this report! Best Regards, Margie ___________ Margie Milam Senior Policy Counselor ICANN ___________ Attachment:
Draft Initial Report - 052410 v5 Clean.DOC Attachment:
Draft Initial Report - 052110 v5.DOC