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Re: [gnso-rapimpl-dt] RE: draft letter to Council

  • To: Greg Aaron <gaaron@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-rapimpl-dt] RE: draft letter to Council
  • From: frederick felman <ffelman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2010 14:29:00 -0700

Mikey, Greg et al -

Thanks for all the hard work with this document.

However, I¹m confused.  Following our last meeting, I¹d understood that easy
to accomplish tasks (³low-hanging-fruit²) would be at the top of the list
and emphasized within the text as a starting point for work by the
community.  This draft appears to diverge from that consensus with
substantially different editorial.

I¹d feel more comfortable with a letter that:

1. Emphasizes low hanging fruit
2. Places greater emphasis on the desired order as voted by the group.
(Say, floating the top elements from each bucket to the top of the list)

Have a great finish to the week and a restful weekend!

Best - f

On 11/4/10 12:16 PM, "Greg Aaron" <gaaron@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Please use this version ­ it is the latest clean version.
> From: Greg Aaron [mailto:gaaron@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2010 2:49 PM
> To: 'gnso-rapimpl-dt@xxxxxxxxx'
> Subject: draft letter to Council
> Dear team:
> Marika, Mikey, and I have produced the following draft.  Please review it and
> post any comments or questions to the list by COB tomorrow, Friday the 5th.
> We have also sent the draft to Chuck Gomes, a sanity check asking whether we
> have conveyed the material clearly for the Council.  In Monday¹s team meeting
> we hope to finalize this letter, so that it can be sent to the Council next
> week and then discussed in Cartagena.
> All best,
> --Greg
> **********************************
> Greg Aaron
> Director, Key Account Management and Domain Security
> Afilias
> vox: +1.215.706.5700
> fax: 1.215.706.5701
> gaaron@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> **********************************
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