[gnso-res-sga] Proposed discussion outline
Subgroup A participants: Attached (in Word format) please find an outline I have prepared to structure further discussion of the pending proposals from Steve Delbianco ( http://forum.icann.org/lists/gnso-res-sga/msg00007.html) and Chris Gibson ( http://forum.icann.org/lists/gnso-res-sga/msg00027.html). It follows the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, HOW format, but reflects that the first couple of issues have been more extensively discussed than the last. It tries to reflect the discussion on the list and on our calls but of course there may be issues I have overlooked. It is intended to stimulate and structure further discussion, not provide answers. I hope it is useful for our call tomorrow, and welcome your responses on list prior to that (as well as any additional proposals or further comments on the two that have been put forward). Steve Metalitz - Attachment: