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Re: [gnso-travel-dt] meeting with Dough Brent and Denise

  • To: Olga Cavalli <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Tim Ruiz <tim@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-travel-dt] meeting with Dough Brent and Denise
  • From: Greg Ruth <greg_ruth@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2008 05:29:35 -0800 (PST)

Yes, I would like to attend.


From: Olga Cavalli <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Tim Ruiz <tim@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: gnso-travel-dt@xxxxxxxxx; Glen_de_Saint_Géry <glen@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, November 2, 2008 7:34:40 AM
Subject: [gnso-travel-dt] meeting with Dough Brent and Denise

Thanks Tim.
About the meeting, Dough is proposing Tuesday 18:00 from 30 to 60 minutes.
I think it is a good opportunity to talk to them for clarification.
Please let me know who wants to join the meeting, I also suggest that we make 
some previous preparation, exchanging ideas on the list or face to face.

2008/11/2 Tim Ruiz <tim@xxxxxxxxxxx>

I think what we need to know is how we can use the money. The posted
policy seems clear that it is only for ICANN Meetings. But can the
constituencies decide to use it otherwise? It also only allows full
support for a traveler, can we figure out a way around that?

I thought those were the questions we were looking to get answered as
the answers will frame the details of our work. Otherwise, I think Greg
provided a good first draft of some text we can work with, we just don't
know yet if everything we'd like to do is actually doable.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [gnso-travel-dt] answer from Denise
From: "Olga Cavalli" <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, October 31, 2008 6:01 pm
To: gnso-travel-dt@xxxxxxxxx, "Glen_de_Saint_Géry"

Dear collegues,
please note the response from Denise, I think we should meet her and D.
Brent anyway to exchange some ideas and ask for clarification.
Any comments?
Glen, could you chech with Denise and Dough their availability for
See you tomorrow, regards

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Denise Michel <denise.michel@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: 2008/10/30
Subject: Re: Meeting in Cairo
To: Olga Cavalli <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: gnso-travel-dt@xxxxxxxxx, Olga Cavalli <olgacavalli@xxxxxxxxx>, Glen
de Saint Géry <glen@xxxxxxxxx>, Doug Brent <doug.brent@xxxxxxxxx>

Hello, Olga.

Thank you for your email.  I'm copying our COO, Doug Brent, as he
oversees ICANN's Community Travel Support.

The question you raise should be addressed by the GNSO, rather than
ICANN Staff.  Staff is expecting to receive recommendations from the
GNSO on how travel funds should allocated to best meet the needs of
the GNSO community.  (Note that ICANN's Travel Procedure states "In
summary, the new community travel procedure proposes to allocate funds
(based on a transparent calculation methodology) for the use of each
SO in traveling to ICANN meetings. Each SO will agree on a process
appropriate to that SO for determining the constituent members to be

The Stakeholder Groups will not be formally established until the
April - June 2009 time frame (please see my emails to the GNSO Council
list on this issue).  The GNSO may want to create a process now for
the allocation of travel funds with the intention of reviewing and, if
needed, revising it as implementation plans for GNSO
Improvements/Restructuring are completed.  The Stakeholder Group will
be an entity made up of formally recognized constituencies
(constituencies would not "report to" Stakeholder Groups as you
noted).  Staff expects Stakeholder Groups to be concerned with matters
relevant to the interaction of those constituencies (e.g. SG
membership and GNSO Council seat allocation) and not, as a general
practice, prescribe activities inside or within constituencies that
are otherwise the province of the GNSO Council and ICANN Board.

I would be happy to meet with the group in Cairo if you need more
information about the GNSO's transition.  If you have questions about
ICANN's Travel Procedure, Doug Brent would be the best person to meet
with you.  Glen and can help arrange either/both.


On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 3:16 AM, Olga Cavalli <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Dear Denise,
> A drafting team formed by some GNSO Council Members is in the process of
> elaborating a Travel Support Policy document for the administration of
> Travel Funds for GNSO.
> In this process and after two conference calls and some exchange of ideas,
> we have realized that we need clarification of certain definitions and
> concepts related with the future structure of the GNSO.
> This clarification and related definitions will allow us to continue
> drafting the Travel Support Policy Document.
> As we understand, in the future structure of the GNSO, the Council will be
> mainly divided into four stakeholder groups and constituencies will report
> to each stakeholder group.
> Taking this in consideration we would like to know, if the constituencies
> will be the representatives in the GNSO or this role will be handled by each
> stakeholder group.
> This definition is relevant in relation with the travel funds, as they may
> be recieved by constituencies or by the stakeholder groups.
> It will very helpful to recieve your comments on this regard as soon as
> possible, and also if you could meet with our drafting team during our next
> face to face meeting in Cairo.
> We will appreciate your comments on this regard.
> Best regards.
> Olga Cavalli

Denise Michel
ICANN VP, Policy


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