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[gnso-travel-dt] Some comments before our meeting

  • To: "Tim Ruiz" <tim@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-travel-dt] Some comments before our meeting
  • From: "Olga Cavalli" <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2008 12:15:26 -0300

in preparation for our meeting with DB and Denise tomorrow, I put together
comments sent to the list, and also the most important ideas of the email
sent to Denise and her response.
Doug confirmed the time (18:00) but not where the meeting will be.
As soon as I know I will let you know.
Please feel free to add any missed info or other contributions that are
useful for the meeting.

*Travel Support Policy document for the administration of Travel Funds for

Drafting team meeting with Doug Brent and Denise Michel*


More flexibility in the use of travel support funds

How we can use the money?

Posted policy seems clear that it is only for ICANN Meetings. But can the
constituencies decide to use it otherwise?

It also only allows full support for a traveler, can we figure out a way
around that?

*Request for clarification sent to Denise:*

Considering that the future structure of the GNSO, the Council will be
mainly divided into four stakeholder groups and constituencies will report
to each stakeholder group.

Will the constituencies be the representatives in the GNSO?

Or will this role be handled by each stakeholder group?

Will travel funds be received by constituencies or by the stakeholder

Contribution to the document sent by Greg Ruth*

Allocation and Control

The total GNSO Travel support budget (less the amount allotted to the NCAs
and GNSO Council chair) should be divided on an equal basis among the GNSO
constituencies or stakeholder groups (TBD).

The use of travel support funds is to be solely determined by each
constituency or stakeholder group (TBD) independently as it sees fit to most
effectively progress the work of the GNSO.  This will require flexibility in
the use of travel support funds.  For example, an attendee may receive
partial support (e.g. just airfare) or full support at the discretion of
his/her sending group.  Also, a sending group may use the funds in different
ways for different ICANN meetings throughout the year (e.g. send more or
fewer people) as long as its total budget for the fiscal year is not

The GNSO Council has no role in deciding how these funds are allocated to

Transparency and Reporting

The names of all who receive travel support must be made known publicly.
What is covered for each (e.g. air fare, accommodations, per diem - not the
dollar amounts) must also be made public.

Everyone who is supported must make known (e.g. in a report) publicly the
dates of travel, accommodations (which hotel) and meetings attended and/or
work accomplished.  Note:  I think this should take less than a page to

*Response from Denise to our email:*
The question you raise should be addressed by the GNSO, rather than
ICANN Staff.  Staff is expecting to receive recommendations from the
GNSO on how travel funds should allocated to best meet the needs of
the GNSO community.  (Note that ICANN's Travel Procedure states "In
summary, the new community travel procedure proposes to allocate funds
(based on a transparent calculation methodology) for the use of each
SO in traveling to ICANN meetings. Each SO will agree on a process
appropriate to that SO for determining the constituent members to be
supported." <

The Stakeholder Groups will not be formally established until the
April - June 2009 time frame (please see my emails to the GNSO Council
list on this issue).  The GNSO may want to create a process now for
the allocation of travel funds with the intention of reviewing and, if
needed, revising it as implementation plans for GNSO
Improvements/Restructuring are completed.  The Stakeholder Group will
be an entity made up of formally recognized constituencies
(constituencies would not "report to" Stakeholder Groups as you
noted).  Staff expects Stakeholder Groups to be concerned with matters
relevant to the interaction of those constituencies (e.g. SG
membership and GNSO Council seat allocation) and not, as a general
practice, prescribe activities inside or within constituencies that
are otherwise the province of the GNSO Council and ICANN Board.

I would be happy to meet with the group in Cairo if you need more
information about the GNSO's transition.  If you have questions about
ICANN's Travel Procedure, Doug Brent would be the best person to meet
with you.  Glen and can help arrange either/both.


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