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[gnso-travel-dt] notes form meeting with Doug Brent

  • To: gnso-travel-dt@xxxxxxxxx, "Glen_de_Saint_Géry" <glen@xxxxxxxxx>, "Olga Cavalli" <olgacavalli@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-travel-dt] notes form meeting with Doug Brent
  • From: "Olga Cavalli" <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2008 08:08:39 -0300

In this message I am including notes from the meeting we held yesterday and
some general comments fom us.

The proposed next steps could be:

- Prepare our document with principles, as established before in our calls,
then we can provide this imput to ICANN staff.

- FInd a date and time for our next conference call.

Any suggestions for week of next call? Then Glen can help us with a doodle
to find day and time.

Please remember to send text in order to feed our "principles draft
document". Greg already did.

Regards to all

*Meeting with Doug Brent and Liz Gaster
Tuesday Nov 3rd, 208

Council members present in the meeting: Robin, Zahid, Olga

*Notes taken during the meeting:*

Stakeholder groups will allocate council seats in GNSO after restructuring.

GNSO must define how to allocate travel funds from today until June.

Funds may go to other participants not only councelors.

This assignment will be defined by GNSO.

Flexibility and partial founding for using funds could be possible, Doug
will try to find a way to solve this demand.

The problem with partial funding is that in ICANN there is fiduciary control
that makes it difficult.

DB will contact ICANN CFO to find an intermediate solution for the partial
funding and flexibility issue.

DB said it could be very useful for him and other staff members that GNSO
may set up a group that provides input about this travel issues, in both
phases (until June and after).

DB expressed that this group should also define a set of principles in order
to help them with the definition of the travel support policy.

DB would like to have in 3 or 4 week GNSO input about the use of travel

*General Comments from us*

Funds should be divided equally between existing constituencies (after
subtracting NCA travel) between now and June 09.

We could propose that founds should be divided between constituencies or
stakeholder groups as may become clearer closer to June 09 once the
restructuring of the houses is firmed up and allow discussions in Mexico
feed into the policy.

We should continue to work towards a longer-term policy.

We stress to staff that we REALLY need to find a way for flexibility and
that legal fiduciary duties really do not require the DEGREE of rigidity
that we have seen in the past.  There can be some middle ground and we hope
to find it.

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