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Re: [gnso-vi-feb10] A case for minority caps

  • To: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-vi-feb10] A case for minority caps
  • From: Stéphane Van Gelder <stephane.vangelder@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2010 20:54:09 +0200

Thx A. :)


Le 8 avr. 2010 à 20:47, Avri Doria a écrit :

> On 8 Apr 2010, at 14:23, Stéphane Van Gelder wrote:
>> Avri,
>> Sorry to be annoying, and I know there's now a list of acronyms that we can 
>> refer to, but I'm finding your emails difficult to read because they're so 
>> heavily laden with abbreviations and I find it inconvenient to refer to the 
>> acronyms list every time.
>> Just a little personal feedback. Please feel free to disregard. May not be 
>> an issue for others.
>> Thanks,
>> Stéphane
> Certainly, here is my message with the necessary translations - I will try to 
> spell everything out in the future.  it is one way to get me to write less.
> you explain why having some Rr ownership of Ry and Ry ownership of Rr can be 
> helpful especially in CCLs.
> (Translation: you explain why having some Registrar ownership of Registry  
> and Registry ownership of Registrar can be helpful especially in community 
> cultural/linguistic TLDs.")
> why a cap? 
> why nominally 15%?
> (Translation: why nominally fifteen percent)
> why restrict to minority?
> is there gradient in the benefit?  
> is there a point where the %age is too high and the benefit stops in your 
> calculation?
> (Translation: is there a point where the percentage is too high and the 
> benefit stops in your calculation?)
> cheers
> a.

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