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[gnso-vi-feb10] preliminary matrix of proposal principles

  • To: vertical integration wg <Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-vi-feb10] preliminary matrix of proposal principles
  • From: Mike Zupke <Mike.Zupke@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 16:54:18 -0700

Dear VI Team,

As was discussed on Monday, I made an effort to break all of the VI
proposals submitted by members of this working group into "principles" so
that the group can consider bite-sized VI concepts instead of entire

To do this, I created a list of all of the principles described in all of
the proposals; in places, treating them fairly liberally in order to help
identify where there might be agreement among proposals. The list of
principles was provided to all proposal sponsors for feedback and then used
to populate a matrix/spreadsheet of all proposals.

Attached you will find that matrix, which also includes my effort at
identifying the particular proposals that supported/incorporated the
particular principles. This should not be seen as the authoritative
interpretation of all proposals -- it's quite possible I inadvertently
mislabeled or misstated parts of proposals -- but I thought it would be
helpful in identifying key points for future discussion.

I plan to post a version of this matrix to the wiki on Tuesday, so those who
wish to see their proposals reflected differently should let me know
off-list by the end of the day Monday.  (Being a wiki, of course, it can
also always be modified later.)

And just in case the implied disclaimers aren't sufficient... Please keep in
mind that this is only a first step.  The co-chairs and members of the
Analysis sub-team may have some ideas about ways to further present or
manipulate this data to make it more readily interpretable. Additionally,
this document is a draft and is not a complete catalog of VI concepts that
should/could be addressed by this working group.

I hope this is helpful, but I'm always open to your feedback.


Mike Zupke
Registrar Liaison Manager
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

Attachment: VI_summary_of_proposal_principles_MZ4.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF Document

Attachment: VI_summary_of_proposal_principles MZ4.xls
Description: VI_summary_of_proposal_principles MZ4.xls

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