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Re: [gnso-vi-feb10] Regarding the Nairobi Board Resolution

  • To: Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-vi-feb10] Regarding the Nairobi Board Resolution
  • From: "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 13 May 2010 15:27:04 -0500

hi all,

coincidentally, the leadership group had a call scheduled today and we took the 
opportunity to talk about this topic.

mostly, these points will be repeats of things we've mentioned before, and i've 
attached the little slide deck that we used to talk about our short-term 
schedule just as a reminder.  we're pretty much bang on that schedule, by the 
way.  here are some points.

-- Version 4 of the guidebook will include language that that implements the 
Board resolution regarding VI.  that language is being written now and we'll 
all get to see it at the same time.  

-- that language will be the rules of the road for the next gTLD round unless 
we (quickly) arrive at a different consensus policy and launch it along the 
roughly four-month-long journey towards Board approval.  the Board has left the 
door open for us to do that, but has provided a baseline that will prevail if 
we don't reach an agreement.

-- we've confirmed that the schedule that's laid out in this little attachment 
will dovetail with the Applicant Guidebook development process, as best as 
anybody can foresee (with the caution that trying to predict dates and 
deliverables in that process is very hard to do -- there are many "if's" along 
the way).  

-- effectively, that means the working group needs to be in agreement within 
the next few weeks in order to hit the rest of the milestones on the path to 
getting our work into the Guidebook.  

-- Roberto and i are both quite hopeful that the working group can find several 
points of consensus that we can launch along the path towards policy approval.  
but it may not.  in which case your two co-chairs will have less work to do in 
Brussels, we'll skip Page 4 of the attached schedule and move on to the 
longer/deeper Phase II of our work.

the punchline is this.  focus on reaching agreement -- soon.  we're doing great 
so far -- keep going.



Attachment: VI Schedule v2.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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