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[gnso-vi-feb10] Short-term schedule

  • To: Gnso-vi-feb10@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [gnso-vi-feb10] Short-term schedule
  • From: "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 08:45:48 -0500

hi all,

sorry my flights back home meant that i missed out on all the call-confusion 
yesterday.  but that doesn't mean i wasn't thinking about you.  :-)

i've attached a little short-interval schedule for you all to think about (and 
comment on) before our call on Thursday.  for those of you who missed the news, 
our schedule got compressed *again* when the Board decided to try to resolve 
the remaining issues with the DAG at their retreat (at the end of September).  
working backwards from that date, we've got a little less than 3 weeks to come 
up with recommendations in time to hit all the advance-notice markers.  that 
date arithmetic is included in the little attachment.

another thing that emerged from the Brussels meeting is that we aren't going to 
arrive at a single proposal.  kudos to all -- we gave it one heck of a try.  
but there are just plain hard issues in this, and we just couldn't get there.  
so we emerged saying that we'd like to identify those issues that we *do* agree 
on and forward those.  after that Thursday meeting, people from the Board 
expressed an interest in seeing the shape of the two major proposals we arrived 
at -- even though we couldn't merge them.

so i'm proposing (without checking with my very-busy co-chair, so he gets a 
free ticket to disagree with me) that we do both.  find the places we agree, 
and sketch out the final round of the two proposals.  i've got a few pages in 
this attachment that describe an approach to doing that.

i wanted you to see this stuff before the Thursday meeting so that you have 
some time to review/improve it.

and now i'm going to dump my little Boston Whaler in the Mississippi and take a 
day off with my sweetie.  hope you all made it home without undue troubles.


Attachment: VI schdule and deliverable v3.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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