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Re: [gnso-vi-feb10] SRSU

  • To: Roberto Gaetano <roberto@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-vi-feb10] SRSU
  • From: Eric Brunner-Williams <ebw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 01 Jul 2010 19:20:28 -0400


The work reports of Working Group C are on-line and I'm not the only participant now a member of the VI PDP WG.

The original contracts of each of .aero, .coop and .museum are also on-line. Here is one sponsorship attachment, .coop's, from November 2001: http://www.icann.org/en/tlds/agreements/coop/sponsorship-agmt-att1-05nov01.htm

The reason that each sought, and obtained, an exception, was that due to the stop/go/stop/go nature of the contract negotiations, they lacked EPP implementations when they were finally contracted.

In the case of .coop, the delegation was made on 2002-01-30, SLD delegations resolved as of that date. Not until 2002-10-01 was the registry prepared to accept an EPP connection from a registrar.

At Montevideo Cary and I persuaded Louis to a numeric exception, which lasted a whole day before being significantly reduced, yet it still existed. There was about a year of chicken played between Louis and Cary subsequently, but there really was no capability, by two of the three sTLD operators, to accommodate registrars ab initio.

For those who missed the dirt, the situation for the gTLDs wasn't a lot better. The common trusted implementer decided surprise was a big win and the surprised trustees had to run to catch up, and had delayed launches several months after the first gTLD had an EPP server ready to support registrars. Again, I'm not the only party to that knowledge now a member of the VI PDP WG.

In sum, the sponored model existed from the point of the Working Group C's October 23, 1999, Interim Report and has never subsequently been absent from the set of registry models. EPP readiness gated gTLD launches, and exceptions existed for the sTLD launches (and back then we didn't call all non-iso3166 registries gTLDs).

And here's a tasty tidbit from the vault: http://www.dnso.org/wgroups/wg-c/Arc01/msg00023.html


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