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Re: [gnso-wpm-dt] WPM-DT: Step 2 (In Progress)

  • To: <ken.bour@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <gnso-wpm-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-wpm-dt] WPM-DT: Step 2 (In Progress)
  • From: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2009 14:15:12 -0500

Looking pretty good to me Ken. Thanks. 


From: owner-gnso-wpm-dt@xxxxxxxxx <owner-gnso-wpm-dt@xxxxxxxxx> 
To: gnso-wpm-dt@xxxxxxxxx <gnso-wpm-dt@xxxxxxxxx> 
Sent: Wed Dec 09 14:07:39 2009
Subject: [gnso-wpm-dt] WPM-DT: Step 2 (In Progress) 

Team Members:


We have a conference call scheduled for tomorrow, 10 Dec at 2000 UTC.  


As I review the list traffic, we are still working on Step 2.  To summarize 
progress to-date, we may be very close, if not completed, with the Y-axis 
definition.  The latest version is shown below:


Y – Value/Benefit … this dimension relates to perceptions of net overall 
effectiveness, productivity, and gain to:  1) the global Internet community; 
and 2) ICANN stakeholders.  Components of value/benefit might include:  new 
opportunities for Internet growth/expansion, enhanced competitiveness, 
resolution/improvement of serious performance or infrastructure problems, 
increased security/stability, and improved user experience.  


In my Step 2 summary report of our last call (email 4 Dec), I suggested a new 
name/title and definition for the X-axis (below) aimed at addressing Olga’s 
concern about “cost.”


X – Resource/Time/Energy Consumption … this dimension relates to perceptions of 
total human capital expenditure anticipated and also includes such factors as 
complexity (e.g. technical), intricacy (e.g. many moving parts to coordinate), 
lack of cohesion (e.g. many competing interests), length of time 
needed/expected; availability/scarcity of resources -- all of which contribute 
to the overall resource consumption required to develop a recommendation.  

Do team members have any thoughts on this recommendation?


At the conclusion of our next call, if not beforehand, we would like to have 
Step 2 completed. 


In a separate email, I will begin to outline some thoughts as to how we might 
proceed with Step 3.



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