[gnso-wpm-dt] WPM-DT: Step 3a (COMPLETED) -- Group DELPHI Results
WPM-DT Members: We had another successful call today, 28 December, with participation by Olga, Jaime, Chuck, Wolf and supported by Liz, Glen, Ken from Staff. This email will summarize only the technical results of the call in which Step 3a was completed. A second email will outline next steps and remaining issues that came out of today's discussion. The call went about 105 minutes in total length (scheduled for 90 minutes); however, the time spent on ratings was approximately 70 minutes. In that time, we managed to settle on Resource Consumption (X axis) values for all 11 Projects (4 previously had DELPHI scores) or about 7 minutes each - very close to the previous session (21 December) in which Values/Benefits (Y axis) were rated. Please see my earlier email (Subject "Summary of Group Rating Session 21 Dec 2009") for a discussion of the methodology, which was similar this time with one minor exception. We turned off the Adobe Connect "Broadcast Poll Results" feature until after all participants had completed voting; then, the results were shared publicly. As the facilitator, I believe that change was a slight process improvement in that participants would not wait to see how others might vote before registering their own rating. Even with blind voting, there was a great deal of consensus after just one round of discussion/polling. In addition, the team decided that, as long as the Rating Range (High-Low score) was less than or equal to 2, the median result would be computed and accepted. If the Rating Range > 2, then another round would be attempted. For only one Project (RAA) did the group require a second DELPHI discussion period and polling before achieving sufficient commonality. The matrix below shows the results of the team's efforts: black numbers are the DELPHI results based upon group discussion while green/orange were pre-decided based upon commonality of the Individual ratings. X VALUES = RESOURCE CONSUMPTION SEQ NO SVG WUK CG JW OC LG DELPHI STI 7 5 1 6 2 7 2.0 IDNF 3 4 3 3 4 3 3.0 GEO 3 2 1 4 1 2 1.0 TRAV 4 2 2 4 1 1 2.0 PED 5 4 3 5 4 5 4.5 ABUS 5 5 5 5 4 5 5.0 JIG 6 4 2 5 3 3 3.0 PDP 5 5 5 6 5 7 5.0 WG 5 2 3 5 4 5 4.0 GCOT 5 2 3 5 3 5 4.0 CSG 5 3 4 5 5 7 5.0 CCT 5 3 2 6 3 4 3.0 IRTB 5 4 2 4 3 5 4.0 RAA 6 5 3 6 4 7 5.0 IRD 2 3 3 3 3 6 4.0 Now that we have both X and Y values completed using the DELPHI approach, the chart below depicts the new plotting of the 15 Projects: Note 1: CCT/JIG (3.0, 5.0); IRD/GCOT (4.0, 5.0); and RAA/PDP (5.0, 6.0) share common X,Y coordinates. Note 2: The correlation statistic between X, Y from both DELPHI sessions is 52%. The above chart can be compared to the two earlier versions (Means, Medians) that were based upon Individual ratings (see Summary Tab of the attached spreadsheet - now KBv2). Depending upon which comparison is made, Means vs. Medians, the DELPHI results are relatively close with one or two exceptions: STI moved from Q2 to Q1 and IDNF went from Q3 to Q1 (although it is on the border). While the spread of the plotted points is wider in the DELPHI results (esp. compared to the Individual Means), there were very few substantive changes in positioning - just some jockeying around within the quadrants. We continue not to have a project evaluated in Quadrant 4 (High Consumption and Low Value). With these results, Step 3a has been completed as originally outlined. Furthermore, Step 4 is now done, which was written as: "Develop the results matrix/chart based on the rankings/ratings produced in Step 3." After today's work, the team agreed to proceed on to Step 5, "Team assessment of the construct and process/methodology and recommendations." It is possible that, after our next meeting, a decision could be made to go back to Step 3 and try another combination, that is, there is team member interest in attempting small groups of 2-3. If that is the final decision, we will repeat Steps 4 and 5 for that iteration before moving to Step 6 "Focus on HOW the team might utilize the data in terms of developing a prioritization -- the ultimate goal of this effort." Another email will outline next steps as well as a few issues that were uncovered during today's session that require additional team discussion and analysis. Ken Bour Attachment:
GNSO Work Prioritization-TEST RESULTS (KBv2).xls