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Stop Pornography-Do Not Expand it

  • To: <icm-options-report@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Stop Pornography-Do Not Expand it
  • From: "Wanda Roam" <retiredyoung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 3 May 2010 11:48:18 -0500

Adding a .XXX domain for viewing of pornography will only expand the 
availability of this demeaning and destructive addiction which is invading and 
harming individuals and family relationships daily.

I have personal knowledge of the destructive nature of pornography on 
relationships in marriage.  The viewing of pornography corrupts the mind and 
implants images on the brain that hinders the ability for a man to have a 
personal and intimate relationship with his spouse.  It can create 
self-loathing, guilt and anger to brew inside the person who finds themselves 
trapped in this type of addiction, which can present itself in harmful ways.

We need to be protecting our boys and girls from a destructive, violent and 
demoralizing culture rather than promoting it.  I strongly oppose the added 
.XXX domain, and I am asking for stricter controls on the already easily 
accessed viewing on the .com domain.  We owe the next generation the 
protections from psychological, spiritual and physical harms pornography 
causes. Greed and lust are very destructive character flaws, and that is what 
is being promoted by our generation now though the business of pornography.  
The adults need to be taking a stand and living and modeling responsible moral 
lives which the generation coming after us will want to emulate.  


Wanda Roam
Jefferson City, MO

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