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Summary and action items from yesterday's call [RE: [jig] Mp3 / JIG / 14 June 2011]

  • To: "'Kristina Nordstrom'" <kristina.nordstrom@xxxxxxxxx>, <jig@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Summary and action items from yesterday's call [RE: [jig] Mp3 / JIG / 14 June 2011]
  • From: "Edmon Chung" <edmon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 15:00:46 +0800

Hi Everyone,


Just summarizing the action items from our call yesterday for those who did
not make it to the call:


1. Will have myself included as a liaison/observer from JIG to all the case
study teams for the IDN VIP along with Avri for the Latin and Greek study
teams and Rafik for the Arabic study team.  I see that some of us are
already in the different teams as team members, but if anyone is willing to
act as an observer from JIG in addition to the above, please let me and Jian


2. Will respond to Kurt on the document regarding staff implementation of
the Single Character IDN TLD report to understand what, if any, this group
should work on to assist in the implementation (and keep everyone in the


3. Will send a note to Suzanne and Andrew of the DNSEXT WG at IETF with our
preliminary thoughts on the requirement document for DNS aliasing with
respect to IDN Variants:

            - That the discussions from ICANN may be of value to the
development of that document

            - That maybe they should consider waiting for some further work,
especially on case studies

            - That we also believe that it may not be necessary to wait till
such work at ICANN is complete

            - That we understand the difference between the technical view
of a DNS label string (of codepoints) that may or may not happen to carry
any semantic/linguistic meaning


4. Will send out another note for the agenda of our upcoming face-to-face
meeting in Singapore (next Monday):

            - review of the current JIG charter (upon board approval of new

            - IDN Variant TLDs

            - Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs

            - Follow up on the implementation of Single Character IDN TLDs








From: owner-jig@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-jig@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Kristina
Sent: June 15, 2011 3:36 AM
To: jig@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [jig] Mp3 / JIG / 14 June 2011


Dear all,

Please find the MP3 recording and transcript of the JIG call held today
Tuesday, 14 June 2011 @ 12:00 UTC at:




Transcript will follow shortly.


Edmon Chung, RySG
Rafik Dammak, NCSG
Avri Doria, NCSG
Wei Zhao, .cn
ICANN Staff:

Bart Boswinkel
Dennis Jennings
Kristina Nordström 


Fahd Batayneh, .jo
Sarmad Hussain, CLE-KICS, UET
Jian Zhang, APTLD

Kind regards,

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