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Re: [npoc-voice] Fw: NPOC Strategy 2012

  • To: Andrei Barburas <abarburas@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [npoc-voice] Fw: NPOC Strategy 2012
  • From: Alain Berranger <alain.berranger@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2012 14:28:05 -0400

Thanks to Andrei and Poncelet for their interests and inputs.

I suggest we focus on the 2 NPOC events under planning for Toronto. If we
can use Google Hangouts to prepare the better, no? We could also video the
2 events and put them on YouTube.


On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 6:41 AM, Andrei Barburas <abarburas@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Thank you Poncelet,
> I am always open to suggestions and potential ways of interacting with the
> public.
> The nice thing about Google Hangouts, is that you can record the session
> and upload it automatically to YouTube so it can be viewed by others.
> *Andrei Barburas*
> Community Relations Services Officer
> International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD)
> P.O. Box 11586, 2502 AN The Hague, The Netherlands
> Mobile: +31 62 928 2879
> Phone: +31 70 311 7311
> Fax: +31 70 311 7322
> Website: www.iicd.org
> *People  ** **ICT   Development*
> On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 12:37 PM, Poncelet Ileleji <pileleji@xxxxxxx>wrote:
>> Hello Andrei,
>> This is definitely a welcome idea but we should also consider the time
>> zones in arranging such online events so we get the maximum
>> participation.requested
>> To me such online interaction will . also bring issues like  (4
>> ICT4D-Related events) that Alain talked about earlier on.
>> Peace
>> Poncelet
>> On 22 August 2012 06:23, Andrei Barburas <abarburas@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I believe that we, as NPOC, should also organize online events, for
>>> example a Google Hangout, and try to involve other NGOs around the world
>>> (and not only NGOs). In theory, the decisions, projects and plans that we
>>> "create", potentially affect NGOs around the world. It wouldn't hurt if we
>>> can involve them in process as well and also maybe gather some ideas of
>>> their own.
>>> Also, adding a bit to Alain's point 4 (4 ICT4D-Related events); I would
>>> also suggest to try and send speakers, representatives of NPOC, that can
>>> shed some light on what is actually NPOC doing. Based on my "discoveries",
>>> not everybody knows about NPOC, let alone its role at ICANN.
>>> I think those two steps will push the teenager into the real world and
>>> let almost everybody know about their existence.
>>> If more pertinent ideas flow into my neural network, I will definitely
>>> share them.
>>> *Andrei Barburas*
>>> Community Relations Services Officer
>>> International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD)
>>> P.O. Box 11586, 2502 AN The Hague, The Netherlands
>>> Mobile: +31 62 928 2879
>>> Phone: +31 70 311 7311
>>> Fax: +31 70 311 7322
>>> Website: www.iicd.org
>>> *People  ** **ICT   Development*
>>> On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 11:47 PM, Alain Berranger <
>>> alain.berranger@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Dear Klaus,
>>>> Thanks for this important reminder and a bit of a roadmap at the same
>>>> time.
>>>> I find it very revealing that 7 days have past and I'm the first NPOCer
>>>> to reply. What does this mean? Probably that we are all very busy with a
>>>> million things... plus the bar is set high by Klaus (but I would add it
>>>> needed to be).
>>>> Here my 2cents' worth:
>>>> 1) I think we can live with our current mission until we can breathe a
>>>> bit and get our hands dirty.
>>>> 2) I suggest that a *vision* to put "a hat on the mission" would be
>>>> useful. I wrote that vision (or a vision in fact! mine) for my report to
>>>> GNSO Council in Costa Rica:
>>>> *Vision: *
>>>> *
>>>> *
>>>> *A world where Not-for-profits and Non-governmental Organizations
>>>> participate fully in ICANN policy development.*
>>>> I added *priorities *(this was February 2012):
>>>> 1. *Organize the Constituency as quickly as possible to become fully
>>>> functional within the NCSG, GNSO and ICANN by June 2013* - This is a
>>>> work in progress and I would now add NomCom, the Heads of Constituencies
>>>> Group; I would also add that a few of us get involved in various ICANN
>>>> working groups. I will start soon to make suggestions to anyone interested.
>>>> 2. *Holding its first elections for Officers of the Executive
>>>> Committee by March 2012*; DONE
>>>> 3.     * Grow its membership to all developing and emerging regions of
>>>> the world*; Mostly small NGO/NFPS : 4 new members per quarter, which
>>>> would represent a 46% increase over current and pending memberships numbers
>>>> by July 2013; work-in-progress
>>>> 4. *4 ICT4D-Related events and 3 ICANN meetings related events for a
>>>> total of 7 education, recruiting and policy advocacy events*, touching
>>>> new audiences of 175 NGO/NFPs by July 2013; work in progress... but lack of
>>>> soldiers!!!!
>>>> 5. *Recruit and facilitate the emergence and development of a minimum
>>>> of 1 or 2 NPOC member experts in various DNS Policy Development areas by
>>>> July 2013*. a work in progress... Andrei is getting his hands dirty by
>>>> plunging in NCSG-Discuss
>>>> Obviously we need to improve on these priorities (or add to them) and I
>>>> think Klaus' suggestions are very relevant: * concrete actions/lines
>>>> of main activities and also what will be the character/the values of NPOC.
>>>> *So we need to think of these as a group.
>>>> *
>>>> *
>>>> *In terms of resources, NPOC also has acquired at least 2 robust
>>>> volunteers (and more to come) in the persons of Mari-laure Lemineur and
>>>> Andrei Barburas.*
>>>> Re  concrete actions/lines of main activities and also what will be the
>>>> character/the values of NPOC, I need to think about it more. We already
>>>> have a partnership dialogue with pir.org... that will be significant if we
>>>> can prove the value of NPOC and GKPF to pir.org's community building
>>>> around dotNGO
>>>> We need proposal writters and those are hard to come by...
>>>> That's all for now
>>>> Alain
>>>> On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 4:38 PM, klaus.stoll <
>>>> klaus.stoll@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>  *From:* Klaus Stoll <klaus.stoll@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 14, 2012 10:37 PM
>>>>> *To:* npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>> *Subject:* Fw: NPOC Strategy 2012
>>>>>  *From:* Klaus Stoll <kdrstoll@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> *Sent:* Monday, August 13, 2012 5:55 PM
>>>>> *To:* npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>> *Subject:* NPOC Strategy 2012
>>>>> Dear Friends
>>>>> Greetings and I hope this email finds you all well. Please allow me in
>>>>> the light of recent development and the upcoming monthly NPOC call to make
>>>>> some general comments and suggestions, which I hope will help us to 
>>>>> develop
>>>>> NPOC further.
>>>>> 1. Finding a direction. NPOC is not a baby any more, it has been born,
>>>>> it has won and lost it’s first battles, it’s a teenager now, and like 
>>>>> every
>>>>> teenager it’s a little bit confused with what to do with this apparently
>>>>> unlimited potential and strength it has. We know what NPOC is: “The
>>>>> purpose of the Not-for-Profit Organizations Constituency shall be to
>>>>> represent, specifically, the operational interests of not-for-profit and
>>>>> non-governmental organizations.”, (NPOC Charter 1.2 Mission), the
>>>>> question is how do we fill this with *concrete actions/lines of main
>>>>> activities* and also what will be the *character/the values* of NPOC,
>>>>> where is it going?
>>>>> Let me start with the character and values. It is all well to gather a
>>>>> number of organizations into a constituency in a very democratic way with
>>>>> everybody having a voice, but however diverse a group is in order to
>>>>> function ad to be effective it needs to have a set of values and 
>>>>> principles
>>>>> that defines the groups character and binds it together. I think we as 
>>>>> NPOC
>>>>> have to work a little bit on this so that we know what we are standing for
>>>>> and also those who want to join us and those we are dealing with daily. 
>>>>> The
>>>>> re is a Mission Statement in the NPOC charter, (see just below), but as a
>>>>> first step I suggest that we create a more comprehensive Mission and 
>>>>> Vision
>>>>> statement for NPOC. Not only will this help us with presenting us to the
>>>>> outside world and attract members, it will do us good thinking a little 
>>>>> bit
>>>>> about ourselves. Here is the Mission statement of the NPOC charter and I
>>>>> invite your contributions towards a generic NPOC Vison/Mission statement.
>>>>> We should not spend more than 2-3 weeks on this and I suggest a deadline 
>>>>> of
>>>>> the first of September on this. The new Mission/Vision statement will be
>>>>> the cornerstone of a lot of the other NPOC activities.
>>>>> *NPOC Charter: 1.2 Mission*
>>>>> 1.2.1 The purpose of the Not-for-Profit Organizations Constituency
>>>>> shall be to represent, specifically, the operational interests of
>>>>> not-for-profit and non-governmental organizations. NPOC Members rely on 
>>>>> the
>>>>> Internet and DNS policies to serve their communities. Members shall 
>>>>> include
>>>>> not-for-profit and non-governmental organizations with missions that
>>>>> include, but are not limited to, philanthropic, humanitarian, educational,
>>>>> academic and professional development, religious, community associations,
>>>>> promotion of the arts, public interest policy advocacy, health-related
>>>>> services, and social inclusion.
>>>>> 1.2.2 The NPOC shall engage the ICANN community on how proposed and
>>>>> existing policies and initiatives uniquely impact not-for-profit and
>>>>> non-governmental organizations and the delivery of their mission-related
>>>>> services. Specific operational concerns include: domain name registration,
>>>>> expansion of the DNS, fraud and abuse, using the DNS to provide and 
>>>>> collect
>>>>> information to members and to serve members and communities.
>>>>> 1.2.3 The operational concerns described above drive how NPOC Members
>>>>> actively manage their infrastructure, create and improve internal 
>>>>> processes
>>>>> and controls, manage risks, and respond to and respect the welfare of the
>>>>> communities they represent. The NPOC shall allow its members to affiliate,
>>>>> discuss and participate in the development of DNS policies and how they
>>>>> relate and may impact our operations, outreach programs and member service
>>>>> delivery
>>>>> *Concrete actions/lines of main activities*
>>>>> We might see giving input into the ICANN process and discussion as one
>>>>> of the main role of NPOC, but I think that this is not good enough, not
>>>>> only should be have a basic position from which we give our inputs, (see
>>>>> character and values above), we should not just comment on a process we
>>>>> should drive the process, and we can only do this by us first identifying
>>>>> what are the most important subject areas we need to become active in in
>>>>> order to serve our mission/vision and membership. Once we have identified
>>>>> the areas we need to decide which concrete actions we will take. I invite
>>>>> you to make suggestions on which areas you think are vital for NPOC to
>>>>> become active in and how concrete actions might look like. Again, I think
>>>>> in 2-3 weeks we can have this done and the input can be used for what we
>>>>> will do in Toronto and beyond.
>>>>> *NPOC sustaining itself*
>>>>> I feel there is a need for clarification on the sustainability and
>>>>> financial situation of NPOC. there might be the impression that with the
>>>>> Y13 budged published and approved by ICANN, NPOC has some organizational
>>>>> funds available, but I am afraid the reality is as always in the small
>>>>> print and not as pleasant as it might look at first sight. Yss, there are
>>>>> funds available, but all funds are besides a amount for a very limited
>>>>> number of NPOC people to attend ICANN meetings, are basically funds to
>>>>> cover the cost of ICANN staff and our use of ICANN services. Again, these
>>>>> are not funds at our disposal but funds that cover existing ICANN costs.
>>>>> We can now argue as long as we like if that is fair or not, but that
>>>>> will not change our reality, and the reality is that we need to go out and
>>>>> secure our own funds in order to be operational. In order to do that we
>>>>> need the Concrete actions and lines of activities and we need to identify
>>>>> potential funders for those activities, discuss and write funding 
>>>>> proposals
>>>>> and go hunting for the cash. We need proposals for institutional NPOC
>>>>> funding for funders such as PIR.org and we need program based funding
>>>>> proposals for funders such as the Ford foundation.
>>>>> Yes, by describing the way to secure the NPOC funding I am asking a
>>>>> lot and it is a hard and long way that needs all our efforts, but as far 
>>>>> as
>>>>> I see it is the only way and I also think it is the right way and there is
>>>>> one major reason for this. If NPOC would sustain itself mainly from ICANN
>>>>> funding, how could NPOC be independent enough from ICANN to give an honest
>>>>> opinion and input? NPOC would not be able to bite the hand that feeds it!
>>>>> Believe me it is better that way. Also, our job is to represent NGO’s, not
>>>>> to serve ICANN. ICANN might go away,but our job in Internet Governance 
>>>>> will
>>>>> remain.
>>>>> OK, so let’s accept realties and start joint professional fundraising
>>>>> based on our mission/vision, lines of action. We can do it.
>>>>> *Growing*
>>>>> I took on the role as membership secretary of NPOC, and I am honored
>>>>> to be appointed to this task. I can go out and get members, numbers, bums
>>>>> on seats, but I think that is not good enough. We need well informed,
>>>>> active members that see there interests represented in an effective way 
>>>>> and
>>>>> that see NPOC as THE tool for their not for profit representation in
>>>>> Internet Governance. To attract, mobilize, educate and hold those members
>>>>> we need a clear mission/vision/lines of actions/sustainability strategy. 
>>>>> If
>>>>> one is missing, nothing will work. It’s hard work, but the price is right
>>>>> because Internet Governance is the topic that should interest us all as 
>>>>> not
>>>>> for profits must as our future depends on it.
>>>>> In the hope that the above helps in the discussion
>>>>> Yours
>>>>> Klaus
>>>> --
>>>> Alain Berranger, B.Eng, MBA
>>>> Member, Board of Directors, CECI, 
>>>> http://www.ceci.ca<http://www.ceci.ca/en/about-ceci/team/board-of-directors/>
>>>> Executive-in-residence, Schulich School of Business,
>>>> www.schulich.yorku.ca
>>>> Treasurer, Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation,
>>>> www.gkpfoundation.org
>>>> NA representative, Chasquinet Foundation, www.chasquinet.org
>>>> Chair, NPOC, NCSG, ICANN, http://npoc.org/
>>>> O:+1 514 484 7824; M:+1 514 704 7824
>>>> Skype: alain.berranger
>> --
>> Poncelet O. Ileleji MBCS
>> Coordinator
>> The Gambia YMCAs Computer Training Centre & Digital Studio
>> MDI Road Kanifing South
>> P. O. Box 421 Banjul
>> The Gambia, West Africa
>> Tel: (220) 4370240
>> Fax:(220) 4390793
>> Cell:(220) 9912508
>> Skype: pons_utd

Alain Berranger, B.Eng, MBA
Member, Board of Directors, CECI,
Executive-in-residence, Schulich School of Business, www.schulich.yorku.ca
Treasurer, Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation, www.gkpfoundation.org
NA representative, Chasquinet Foundation, www.chasquinet.org
Chair, NPOC, NCSG, ICANN, http://npoc.org/
O:+1 514 484 7824; M:+1 514 704 7824
Skype: alain.berranger

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