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[npoc-voice] NPOC at WSIS

  • To: <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] NPOC at WSIS
  • From: "klaus.stoll" <klaus.stoll@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2012 20:44:01 +0200

Dear Friends

As a follow up but also add on to my recent NPOC outreach email: 

My question is if some of the NPOC members would be interested to propose and 
execute a workshop event at the upcoming WSIS Forum in Geneva, May 2013. The 
rationale is that we need to go out of the ICANN circle to reach new members, 
to inform, educate and exchange knowledge, but at least in my mind it would be 
a good opportunity to demonstrate the value of the ICANN multi stakeholder 
approach in a setting where many are not, (yet!), convinced of it’s value.

It might be best to ask first, who from the NPOC membership organizations is 
likely to have a presence at the WSIS Forum 2013 and who of those would be 
interested in organizing a workshop,. The exact topic can and should be decided 
after we have constituted an NPOC at WSISForum 2013 working group. For 
starters, GKPF will be there and we would be interested in organizing a 
workshop. Who else is interested?. Which non-, (also as yet!), NPOC members 
should be included?.

Looking forward to you participation and comments!



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