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[npoc-voice] How to get ICANN News Alerts and Announcements
- To: "npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx" <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [npoc-voice] How to get ICANN News Alerts and Announcements
- From: Eduardo Monge Gutierrez <eduardo.monge@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 16:20:00 -0600
Dear NPOC Colleagues,
Would you like to get ICANN News Alerts and Announcements directly sent into
your inbox? Here are three ways to do it:
1. Sign up with myICANN.org, the web-based platform that will get you
personalized and tailored dashboard into their activities, interests, and work
within the ICANN community. Sign up here: https://www.myicann.org/user
2. Sign up to receive ICANN Newsletters & News Alerts here:
3. Sign up on the "Stay Connected" section (at the bottom right) of
ICANNĀ“s main web site<https://www.icann.org/>
You can also get #ICANN, #NPOC_ICANN and #DNS-related updates by following our
twitter feed at https://twitter.com/NPOC_ICANN
Eduardo Monge
NPOC Communications Committee Chair

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