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[npoc-voice] Fwd: 2013 NCSG Annual Membership Check-In

  • To: Voice NPOC <npoc-voice@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [npoc-voice] Fwd: 2013 NCSG Annual Membership Check-In
  • From: Rudi Vansnick <rudi.vansnick@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 19:11:41 +0200

Dear colleagues,

In order to avoid your organisation becoming an inactive member of NPOC - NCSG, 
I would strongly advice you to reply to present message.
May I ask you to confirm your organisation still being a member of NPOC and 
send the contact person's name and email address to the email address 
membershipconfirm@xxxxxxxx . We will forward you message immediately to Robin 
Gross, the NCSG chair asking for the above information as you may read in the 
message below.

Please take attention to this message and act quickly.

Rudi Vansnick
NPOC chair Policy Committee
NPOC treasurer
Tel : +32 (0)9 329 39 16
Mobile : +32 (0)475 28 16 32

Begin doorgestuurd bericht:

> Dear NCSG Member:
> You are receiving this notice because you (at this email address) are listed 
> as the official representative for your non-commercial organization on the 
> membership roles of ICANN's Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG).
> NCSG is required to conduct an annual check-in process to ensure the 
> membership list is current and accurate and that email ballots for the annual 
> election will be sent to the proper email address for active member 
> organizations.
> Therefore please take a moment to 'check-in' simply by replying to this email 
> and letting me know this is the proper email address for the current official 
> representative of the organization.  Or if there are changes to the name or 
> email address for proper receipt of the Fall 2013 ballot, please let me know 
> that too.
> Please respond before 9 September 2013 or your organization will be placed on 
> the "inactive" membership list.  I'll then take another 2 weeks to try to 
> contact and activate those members on the preliminary inactive list.  
> Inactive members cannot vote in the annual election, so it is important that 
> you timely reply to this email to ensure your organization is listed as 
> "active" and receives its ballot during the annual fall elections.  Please 
> email me to Robin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx at your soonest possibility.
> Thank you very much.  I kindly await your response.
> Regards,
> Robin Gross
> NCSG Chair
> Email:  robin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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