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Re[2]: [npoc-voice] Re: Commentary on "The Quest for a 21st Century ICANN: A Blueprint"

  • To: "Olivier Kouami" <olivierkouami@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re[2]: [npoc-voice] Re: Commentary on "The Quest for a 21st Century ICANN: A Blueprint"
  • From: "Sam Lanfranco" <lanfran@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2014 14:57:00 +0000

Olivier, et. al.,

Feel free to use the document as you wish. I put things out there and hope
the float and fly on whatever merit they have, and sink or shed their
shortcomings thanks to those who pick up idea and run with them. As I
argue, any ideas of merit will likely have little impact at this point
within ICANN itself. It has too much of a "Walled City" mentality, which I
suspect frustrates the devil out of ICANN staff.

One big ICANN issue is how to play strategy with respect to Internet
Governance. From an Internet ecosystem perspective there is a phrase I like
to use that applies here. It is "If you are not part of the team you are
part of the menu".  The Internet is an excellent venue for collaboration,
but one has to understand not only the What and Why of collaboration, but
the How! My worry for ICANN is as it is insufficiently reflective on the
"How". It thinks it is leading with a multistakeholder model, but as
stakeholders get engaged ICANN will look over its shoulder and see that it
is being overtaken but not by another Internet "big fish" but by a
thundering herd of determined stakeholders heading not toward ICANN, but
toward solutions that may well leave ICANN as "road kill". As with many of
my concerns, I hope my assessment is wrong.


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