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Re: [npoc-voice] NPOC Elections 2014 - nominations

  • To: Sam Lanfranco <lanfran@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [npoc-voice] NPOC Elections 2014 - nominations
  • From: Olévié Kouami <olivierkouami@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 20 May 2014 20:34:42 +0100

+1 @Rudi
+1 @Sam
I support.

I would like to nominate myself for the Communication Chair if possible;
Thank you for your kind attention.

2014-05-20 16:49 GMT+01:00 Sam Lanfranco <lanfran@xxxxxxxx>:

>  NPOC Members and colleagues,
> I accept Rudi Vansnick's nomination for Chair of the Policy Committee. If
> elected to the position I am committed to continuing both an expanded NPOC
> membership participation in ICANN policy dialogue, and efforts around
> identifying and promoting dialogue on Internet policy and governance
> concerns of particular interest to the not-for-profit Internet
> constituency.
> I join Rudy in reminding that self-nominations are in order, and that
> npoc-voice is always open as a venue for suggestions and questions.
> Sam Lanfranco
> On 20/05/2014 10:20 AM, Rudi Vansnick wrote:
> Dear members,
>  As we have been querying for nominations for the NPOC elections 2014,
> and we still are looking forward to receive some nominations, I herewith
> nominate Sam Lanfranco for the position of chair of the Policy Committee.
> I'm convinced Sam is a splendid candidate for this position.
>  The following positions still require nominations :
>  - Communication chair
> - Membership chair
> - Secretariat
>  Self-nominations are also very welcome. Do not hesitate to nominate a
> colleague or a good friend you know would bring new and fresh ideas in
>  Looking forward to read your mails.
>   Rudi Vansnick
> NPOC chair Policy Committee
> NPOC treasurer
> rudi.vansnick@xxxxxxxx
> Tel : +32 (0)9 329 39 16
> Mobile : +32 (0)475 28 16 32
> www.npoc.org
> --
> ------------------------------------------------
> "It is a disgrace to be rich and honoured
> in an unjust state" -Confucius
> ------------------------------------------------
> Dr Sam Lanfranco (Prof Emeritus & Senior Scholar)
> Econ, York U., Toronto, Ontario, CANADA - M3J 1P3
> email: Lanfran@xxxxxxxx   Skype: slanfranco
> blog:  http://samlanfranco.blogspot.com
> Phone: +1 613-476-0429 cell: +1 416-816-2852

Olévié Ayaovi Agbenyo KOUAMI
CEO de INTIC4DEV (http://www.intic4dev.org)
SG de ESTETIC  (http://www.estetic.tg)
Membre de ISoc (www.isoc.org <http://www.isog.org/>) & du FOSSFA (
Membre de l'ICANN-NCSG/NPOC (http://www.icann.org/ et http://www.npoc.org/)
BP : 851 - Tél.: (228) 90 98 86 50 / (228) 98 43 27 72
Skype : olevie1 FB : @olivier.kouami.3 Twitter : #oleviek Lomé - Togo

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