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Re: [npoc-voice] [Important] NCSG 2014 Annual Election Information - Timetable - Positions to Elect - Process

  • To: Cintra Sooknanan <cintra.sooknanan@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [npoc-voice] [Important] NCSG 2014 Annual Election Information - Timetable - Positions to Elect - Process
  • From: Klaus Stoll <klaus.stoll@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 21:01:36 +0100

Dear Cintra

Greetings and Thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately, after further thinking this through, I will not make myself available as a GNSo councilor, together with Sam or not.
Sorry about this, I still feel that I can be more effective elsewhere.



 On 7/15/2014 3:45 PM, Cintra Sooknanan wrote:
Since there are multiple GNSO Council Positions up for election I would support us nominating both Sam and Klaus for elections, I ask that Klaus reconsider his position. We do not have to choose just one NPOC member to run, I feel that Klaus has had a very short tenure at the Council and his level of contribution and comfort will increase in this second term.
As for Sam's nomination, I agree that this year has been tough but at 
the same time there are opportunities that should be seized. My only 
concern is that we will lose our Policy Committee Chair if Sam is 
elected and should therefore appoint a Policy Committee Vice Chair in 
order to ensure our policy committee is sufficiently beefed up and to 
facilitate a smooth transition if necessary.
Looking forward to further discussion and consideration of these points.


Cintra Sooknanan

On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 10:17 AM, Klaus Stoll <klaus.stoll@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:klaus.stoll@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Dear NPOC Friends

    Greetings. I am honored to receive the nominations for a second
    turn as GNSO councilor, but I feel that it would be better this
    time that I am not standing and that Sam should take my place.
    Sam, with his strategic Vision and Mission is what the GNSO needs
    and I would like to put all my energy in developing NPOC and the
    voice of the NGO's and end users in IG and ICANN. I think I we are
    wasting talent by not sending Sam to the GNSO and also by me not
    concentrating working with you on the practical aspects of real
    stakeholder engagement. Sam is the better councilor as he will be
    the better ICANN Board member, (I have not given up on this for a
    long time yet, whatever the NCSG says and does!)

    In the hope that you can agree with this vision for the short term



    On 7/14/2014 4:07 AM, mlemineur@xxxxxxxxxxxx
    <mailto:mlemineur@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

        I would like to second the nomination of Klaus as a GNSO



        Please be informed of the upcoming elections at NCSG (GNSO council

            representatives and chair NCSG).

            I would like to propose the nomination of Klaus Stoll as
            GNSO councillor.
            Looking forward for other nominations of course.

            Kind regards,

            Rudi Vansnick
            Chair Non-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency (NPOC)
            www.npoc.org <http://www.npoc.org>

            rudi.vansnick@xxxxxxxx <mailto:rudi.vansnick@xxxxxxxx>
            Tel : +32 (0)9 329 39 16
            Mobile : +32 (0)475 28 16 32

            Begin doorgestuurd bericht:

                Van: Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak@xxxxxxxxx
                Onderwerp: [NCSG-Discuss] [Important] NCSG 2014 Annual
                Information - Timetable - Positions to Elect - Process
                Datum: 10 juli 2014 17:01:29 CEST
                Aan: NCSG-DISCUSS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                Antwoord aan: Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak@xxxxxxxxx

                Hi everyone,

                The time-table and details on the upcoming 2014 NCSG
                annual election are
                below.  The candidate nomination period runs 10-24
                August, and the
                voting takes place 1-14 September 2014 for all positions.

                Nominations of candidates, their acceptance and the
                required candidacy
                statement should all be made to this NCSG email list
                by the dates below
                to be effective.

                The following 5 NCSG positions are up for election
                this fall:

                1.  GNSO Council Representative (currently held by
                David Cake, who is
                eligible for 1 more term)
                      2-year term
                2.  GNSO Council Representative (currently held by
                Maria Farell, who is
                eligible for 1 more term)
                      2-year term
                3.  GNSO Council Representative (currently held by
                Magaly Pazello, who
                is eligible for 1 more term)
                      2-year term
                4.  GNSO Council Representative (currently held by
                Klaus Stoll, who is
                eligible for 1 more term)
                      2-year term
                5.  NCSG Chair (currently held by Rafik Dammak, who
                will be
                "term-limited" for this position)
                      1-year term

                For GNSO council representative seats , there are 3
                with  2-year terms,
                1  with 1-year term:
                To decide the council member election, each voter will
                be asked to
                choose up to 4 candidates.  The 3 candidates with the
                most votes will be
                elected to the 2 year terms,
                while the candidate with the 4th most votes will be
                elected to the 1
                year term.
                The candidate with the most votes for NCSG chair will
                be elected.

                NCSG Election Schedule:
                   Aug. 10 : Open Nominations for Candidates
                   Aug. 24 : Close Nominations for Candidates (made &
                   Aug. 26 : Candidates Make Public Statement (see
                details below)
                   Sep. 1 : Begin Voting
                   Sep. 14 : End Voting
                   Sep. 15 : Announce Election Results
                   Oct. 17 : Term Begins

                Nomination Process:

                Any member of the NCSG may nominate any NCSG active
                member either for
                the position of an NCSG GNSO Council Representative or
                for NCSG Chair.
                Once nominated, the nominee is responsible for public
                acceptance of the
                nomination and for making a public statement that

                Name, declared region of residence, gender and employment;
                Any conflicts of interest;
                Reasons for willingness to take on the tasks of the
                particular position;
                Qualifications for the position; and
                Statement of availability for the time the position
                The nominee’s statement may also include any other
                information that the
                candidate believes is relevant.
                **  Also note that under the rules, no more than two
                (2) NCSG GNSO
                Council Representatives can be declared resident of
                the same geographic
                region as defined by ICANN.  The 2 other continuing
                NCSG GNSO Councilors
                (those not up for election in 2014) are resident of
                the following
                regions: North America, Africa.

                **  These terms all commence on 17 October (at the
                conclusion of the
                2014 Annual ICANN Meeting in Los Angeles).

                **  You will all receive a separate email notice from
                me shortly
                requesting that you "check-in" and verify your email
                address and that
                you are an active member of the SG.

                **  The nominations, their acceptance and candidacy
                statements will all
                be posted to the 2014 elections wiki page:

                If you have any questions on any of this, please do
                not hesitate to ask
                me offlist.  Thank you!


                Rafik Dammak
                NCSG Chair

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