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  • To: ombudsman-framework@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Cooperation
  • From: Vancouver University - Worldwide University <vanu@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2004 20:48:24 -0800

The Ombudsman is to be stationed in Vancouver BC, Canada.

http://www.WorldwideUniversity.edu  - with its consortium office
likewise presently located in Vancouver - would be pleased to
cooperate with the Ombudsman n any appropriate way.

Our interest partly derives from the fact that our president,
Dr Raymond Spencer Rodgers, specifically predicted and named
the "electronic web" (and alternatively suggested the name
"telesphere" in 1971 (long before Berners-Lee and others actually
manufactured it).  The text of the 1971 108pp publication has since
been on the web for a decade, at http://www.vcn.bc.ca/web-prophet

We have also had decades of interest in on-line (starting with BBS)
education, but failed to attract early funding donations in the context.

As a challenged institution (see the fifth text paragraph on our
homepage http://www.WorldwideUniversity.edu ) we are familiar
with the sort of quandaries that an Ombudsman is appointed
to address.   We suggest that the Ombudsman will likely also find
useful the UIA publication referred to in the third text paragraph
of http://www.VancouverUniversity.edu/worldu.php

Li-kuan Tham, Secretary,
per Board Executive Committee
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