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[pdp-pcceg-feb06] time line for Rapporteur Group A/creation of a sub list yet to be done

  • To: <pdp-pcceg-feb06@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [pdp-pcceg-feb06] time line for Rapporteur Group A/creation of a sub list yet to be done
  • From: "Marilyn Cade" <marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2006 13:25:41 -0400

I apologize to the TF for using the list for this initial communication, but
until a sub group list is established, it seems helpful to ensure that all
TF members are fully informed about planning. I will ask Glen to establish a
subgroup list, after the initial working call on Wednesday. All emails will
be part of the TF archive, of course. 

The rapporteurs and staff met Friday in an administrative planning call.
This email announces the timeline and work plan for Rapporteur Group A. 

Also, if you have members who wish to observe  in Rapporteur Group A, you
can just let Glen know and she can include them in the notice of the calls,
distribution of materials, etc. 

For the call on 10/11, e.g. Wednesday's call, I requested two work items
from the Staff support already agreed by the full TF as supporting materials
to this Rapporteur Group:

        The list of expert questions, previously submitted, but simply
organized by staff into a simple unified document, with the name of the
submitter in the event that clarification is needed. 
        The completed spread sheet of the terms that was discussed in the
full Task Force and which legal and policy staff have confirmed are already

It turns out that we lack expert materials for some of the ToR elements, and
that will be a discussion item within "A" to see if we think that we need
additional materials and to advise the full TF and policy staff.

We will also discuss a possible call with invited 'experts' on the different
ToR elements and whether this should be at the TF level or at the Rapporteur
Group level. 

It is acknowledged that members may have challenges to attend all working
sessions. Glen will arrange for a transcript for all calls. 

Thanks for joining the Rapporteur Group A. 

Marilyn Cade, as Rapporteur

Time Line for Rapporteur Group A 
Marilyn Cade, Rapporteur
Invitations have been sent to the NCUC and Registrars for participation. 

Members of Rapp Group A:
Marilyn Cade, Rapporteur

Greg Ruth, ISPCP
Mike Roberts, BC
Ute Decker, IPC
Registrar:  Jeff Eckhaus, to be confirmed
David Maher, Registry
NCUC: to be named
Bret Fausett, At Large
Ex officio: Avri Doria, Interim chair of TF

Staff: Legal and Policy staff as available. Secretariat: Glen de Saint Gery

Observers from constituencies or at large are invited and the relevant Rapp
Group member should just advise Glen if there is someone who wishes to be an

Working Time Line:  
Wednesday 11 October  at 11:00 - 12:45 EDT - Rap. Meeting  - agenda below
Friday 13 October at 11:00 - 1:00 EDT - Rap. meeting
Tuesday 17 October at 11:00 - 1:00 EDT - Rap. meeting
Tuesday 24 October at 11:00 - 1:00 EDT - Rap. meeting - Final working 
session with a "straw poll" on the call indicating strong, weak, medium
The secretariat will set up the conference calls and these sessions will 
be recorded and have transcripts, (latter turn around after 48 hours). 

Announcement of the initial call will be to full TF, and then we will set up
a separate mailing list, but all postings to the mailing list will be part
of the record. 

Agenda for initial call:
Roll call of participants
Statements of interest for all attendees, including any observers
I. Procedures and Organizing the Work: 
Discussion of expert questions submitted to staff and allocation of expert
questions against the three ToR elements for this TF - 10 minutes
Discussion of overlap with other TF re experts and expert materials- 10
Discussion of additional expert questions or need for additional expert
materials for remaining ToR elements to be requested to full TF/staff - 10
II. Advancing the work:
Terms of Reference 1: 45 minutes to 50 minutes
        Roundtable discussion regarding expert materials implications,
expert  questions, and views of Rapporteur Group members.
        Presentation of straw 'recommendations' by any rapporteur group
        Hear from all rapporteur members on any 'straw' recommendation
        Discuss any 'straw recommendation' and determine initial support
        Identify if additional information or expert advice/comment is
        Document 'straw' recommendations' with Secretariat assistance

III. Agenda development for Friday call of Rapporteur Group - proposed work
plan suggestions are invited via email. 

Best regards, Marilyn Cade, Rapporteur, Group A

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