[pdp-pcceg-feb06] a proposed recommendations for ToR 5
I haven't seen any further traffic on the TOR 5 proposed policy recommendations -- is anyone going to start with a proposal? Well since it was my suggestion that we should start with individual proposals, let me start with one. a. ----- TERM OF REFERENCE 5 Uses of registry data 5a Examine whether or not there should be a policy regarding the use of registry data for purposes other than for which it was collected, and if so, what the elements of that policy should be.
a. There is no clear need for a new policy on the use of registry data, including traffic data, for purposes other then which is was collected. b. There is, however, a need for exhaustive public study by an outside agency on the data collected and the uses to which it is put. c. It is recommended that a best practices document be published as a guideline for Registry data collection and use 5b. Determine whether any policy is necessary to ensure non- discriminatory access to registry data that is made available to third parties. a. There is currently no clear need for a new policy on the use of registry data, including traffic data, for purposes other then which is was collected. Based on the results of the exhaustive external study and public discussions recommended in 5a (b), the GNSO council should consider the creation of a PDP that would include policy recommendations for new, as well as for existing Registry agreements.