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Comments on the Draft Roadmap to Implement SAC 051

  • To: sac051-draft-roadmap@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Comments on the Draft Roadmap to Implement SAC 051
  • From: Patrick Vande Walle <patrick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 22:37:28 +0100

One thing lacking from the roadmap is a timeline with clear deadlines
and deliverables.Unless we want this new WHOIS to take another ten years
to implement, we need to put some pressure on involved parties. There is
a demand from the community.

ICANN  and IETF processes are slow by design.  Several things could be
done to accelerate the process. For example, going to the IETF with near
final specifications and a working implementation with help a lot to
accelerate the standardization process.

 This would require that ICANN actually fund a small team to set up a
reference implementation. If the design is flexible enough, and the code
is properly licensed, it could be implemented at little cost by
registrars and registries. This would add another incentive to speed up
the deployment.

The document does not discuss the issue of adapting the display and/or
restrict access to parts of the registrant data. This should be kept in
mind during the design phase. Many ccTLDs, as well as gTLDs need a way
to deal with access credentials in order to comply with local or
international privacy laws. If the specifications do not handle that
part, there is a risk that the adoption will be limited, or that
non-standard methods will be used to achieve the goal, bringing us back
to the situation similar to the current state of the WHOIS service,
where there are nearly as many different versions of the WHOIS service
that there are registries.

Respectfully submitted

Patrick Vande Walle
(in a personal capacity)

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