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[soac-mapo] Request for volunteers

  • To: "soac-mapo" <soac-mapo@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [soac-mapo] Request for volunteers
  • From: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2010 13:23:41 -0400

In our Rec6 CWG meeting today, it was suggested that I call for
volunteers who might be willing to draft a possible recommendation or
statement regarding the remaining discussion threads:
*       Use of the term 'incitement'
*       Quick Look procedure
*       Use of the Center of Expertise of the ICC as the DRSP
*       Independent Objector
*       Timing of Rec6 Dispute Resolution
*       Incitement to discrimination criterion

There are a couple other threads not included that volunteers already
agreed to work on.

If you are willing to volunteer for one or more of these, I would
suggest that you draft a recommendation and/or statement that attempts
to accommodate multiple views expressed in the CWG and not just your
own.  Please submit any drafts you are willing to prepare by end of the
day on Thursday so that we can discuss them on the list and in our
meeting on Friday.  Our goal will be to try to discuss all remaining
threads on Friday.

Thanks, Chuck

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