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[soac-mapo] Clarification needed on when higher Board threshold is needed

  • To: "soac-mapo@xxxxxxxxx" <soac-mapo@xxxxxxxxx>, "Margie Milam" <Margie.Milam@xxxxxxxxx>, "Marika Konings" <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [soac-mapo] Clarification needed on when higher Board threshold is needed
  • From: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2010 05:51:17 -0400

I think it would help us to clarify various positions on when higher
Board threshold is needed.  To facilitate that, let me ask the following

1.      Some have been very specific that a 2/3 majority of the Board
should be required to uphold an objection.  Am I correct in assuming
that this would be the same regardless of the input provided by the
expert panel?
2.      Others have said that a 2/3 majority of the Board should be
required to approve a string for entry into the root.  Is this also
independent of the input from the experts?
3.      The two above questions can probably be asked in one:  Whenever
a higher threshold is required for the Board to make a decision on a
string, is that threshold independent of the input from the experts?

Assuming that the answer to these questions is yes in each case, it
seems like we need to poll support for the following that I think relate
to issue 5 so I will number them accordingly:

5.1  A higher threshold of the Board should be required to uphold an
5.2  A higher threshold of the Board should be required to approve a
5.3  The higher threshold should be at least 2/3.
5.4   Approval of a string should only require a simple majority of the
Board regardless of the input from the experts.
5.5  Approval of a string should only require a simple majority of the
Board except when the expert input indicates otherwise, in which case a
higher threshold should be required.

I hope these questions help us narrow down what level agreement we have
on these issues.  I believe that it is okay to support more than one of
these except where the answers are contradictory. Please feel free to
make suggestions, comment and ask questions.

Margie/Marika - Let's add these questions to the next Doodle poll,
understanding that they might change before we initiate the poll later


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