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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Issue for WT2?

  • To: soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Issue for WT2?
  • From: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 06:49:21 -0400


I was rereading DAGv3 and noticed something I had not paid attention to before 
(there really is a lot in there)


> IPv6 support -- Applicant must provision IPv6 service for its
> DNS infrastructure. ICANN will review the self-certification
> documentation provided by the applicant and will test
> IPv6 reachability from various points on the Internet. DNS
> transaction capacity over IPv6 for all name servers with
> declared IPv6 addresses will also be checked.

I am now wondering how many people, especially in developing regions, are going 
to be prevented from starting a Registry - with local registry service support 
- on that basis.  I  know they don't need their own registry services, the can 
continue to use the processing power of the incumbents and just bring them the 
domain names.  But if they want to run their own RSP, how can they - what 
solutions are there?

I also wonder though whether this would count as one of the items people would 
need technical assistance with - i.e. coming up with ways to meet this 
requirement even in areas where there is no native IPv6 support (can IPv4 
tunneling techniques be used - and who will provide the support for this - or 
the endpoint)?

Perhaps ICANN has already thought of this and it is something that they intend 
to advise people on.


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