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Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] WG2 - update from Andrew

  • To: Olof Nordling <olof.nordling@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] WG2 - update from Andrew
  • From: Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2010 06:06:19 +0900

Hi ,

I have some comments below:

 Co-financing – Support should comprise not more than 50% of total
> application need to encourage accountability
we can also encourage that applicant invest itself some percentage in
particular if it is for-profit ( I think that is common for the case of
entrepreneur in general).

> Sunset period – Support should have an agreed cut-off/sunset point, perhaps
> 5 years, after which no further support will be offered to encourage
> sustainability
maybe we can say "to 5 years", the 5 years sunset period is the limit but
applicants can cease having assistance before.

>  Transparency – Support requests and levels should be made public to
> encourage transparency
> Applicant form – Not all applicants need to be non-profits, and some might
> start as non-profits but morph into hybrids or for-profits as time goes on
> Government support – A community receiving some support from government(s)
> would not disqualify that community from receiving gTLD support.  However,
> the process is not designed to subsidize government-led initiatives.
there are also some initiatives which may be led by intergovernmental
organizations. anyway it is needed to define exactly which are
government-led initiatives. my understanding that many of them are
 geographic names and we already excluded them.


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