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Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] JAS WG - The "snapshot" text

  • To: soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] JAS WG - The "snapshot" text
  • From: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2010 09:24:44 -0400


I have 2 changes which I already made to the wiki version and one question:

- substitute 'consensu's with 'appear to have consensus'  under process for WT1
-  substitute 'underserved markets aware' with ' underserved markets are aware'

the question is In WT1 In my experience the term Graduated Fees is used to mean 
a lower fee not a fee that is paid in a staggered manner.  A 'Staggered fee 
payment schedule' - while a bit awkward might be better.  I am worried that 
people will read graduated and not read the text.

Thanks for the great work.


On 14 Jun 2010, at 08:20, Olof Nordling wrote:

> Dear all,
> In preparation for tomorrow’s call, please find as attachment the full text 
> of the “snapshot” for posting, as currently drafted on the Wiki. Noting that 
> there has been precious little drafting on the Wiki (actually none, except by 
> yours truly), I thought it might be helpful for you to have the text as a 
> Word document as well.
> Remember – our task is to finalize the text for posting tomorrow, so please 
> read and propose any edits you suggest/prefer/require, preferably on the list 
> before tomorrow’s call.
> Thanks
> Olof
> <Snapshot.doc>

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