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Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Current Draft Report JAS WG, version 2.8 - including August 27 reviews

  • To: Tijani BEN JEMAA <tijani.benjemaa@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Current Draft Report JAS WG, version 2.8 - including August 27 reviews
  • From: Eric Brunner-Williams <ebw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2010 13:41:25 -0400

Tijani, Karla,

I wrote, originally to Olof Nordling, on this issue, however, he's got new responsibilities and directed me to Karla. I'd like a few minutes to go over this with Karla via voca, prior to the next call, if she has the time. My original note is below, and is mostly about the continuity issue.


On 8/13/10 9:55 AM, Eric Brunner-Williams wrote:
Hello Olof,

Some questions that have been raised in the SOAC list and I hope that
you can help me understand what can be improved. Here, "qualified
applicants" means those applicants who are qualified for assistance by
the SOAC, which is as yet not fully defined.

First, IPv6 is no longer in Module 5 in the 4th version of the DAG as
a requirement, e.g., in 5.2.2, Test Elements: DNS Infrastructure, but
it is still described as mandatory elsewhere.

To know whether or not IPv6 is mandatory, and therefore a proper area
for technical assistance to qualified applicants, would be very
helpful to clarify.

My own views on the matter in public comments are here:

Second, on the Continuity Instrument. There is, as Danny Younger has
pointed out, a timeline for registry failover which is measured in
months, while the timeline for continuity is measured in years.

Further, the operating cost of continuity is implicitly exaggerated by
the two forms of the instrument: an irrevocable standby letter of
credit or an irrevocable cash escrow account, without reference to the
estimated annual operating cost of continuity operations for qualified

The central question I hope to clarify is what is the purpose of the
continuity operation?

If it is so that registrants have sufficient time to "rebrand" in some
other TLD, is this even sensible for community-based registries?

If we understand "continuity" to mean the substitution of one
technical services provider for another, through the use of escrow
data, resulting in a cessation of payments of operating expenses, for
staff, equipment, connectivity, power and cooling, and office space,
at one location of operations and the initiation of payments at
another location of operations, consistent with "registry failover",
then the control by ICANN of the instrument (either form) is sensible.

If we understand "continuity" to mean the continued operation of the
registry using reserves to augment current income, then the control by
ICANN of the instrument, as well as the first form of the instrument,
in USD denominated rather than the local currency, is perplexing.

Is the purpose of "continuity" to hard-fail a registry operation and
transparently to the registrants and nearly transparently to the
registrars, continue operations elsewhere, breaking employment
contracts, leasing agreements, and other long-term operating commitments?

If so, then ICANN's control over the selection of where and how the
continuity is to be conducted must, if executed competently, achieve
significant cost reductions by co-locating several registries "in
continuity" at a single "continuity services provider", consistent
with the incremental cost to any current registry services provider
for incremental additions of registry operator tenants.

If the purpose of "continuity" is not to hard-fail a registry
operation, but ensure adequate reserves for periods where revenue
projections are not met, then the first form of the continuity
instrument imposes currency conversion costs, and the control over the
reserve by ICANN an unnecessary prior approval requirement for the
registry attempting to meet momentary contingency, or longer, cash
flow requirements.

It is likely that some, perhaps all, of the SOAC qualified applicants
will be located outside of the USD/Euro zone. If the purpose of
"continuity" is hard failover to a designated continuity operator,
then the continuity instrument itself is an unconditional transfer of
reserve working capital from outside the USD/Euro zone, to businesses
likely to be located within the USD/Euro zone.

Knowing the purpose of "continuity" will inform the SOAC's exploration
of whether, and how, this particular cost can be better quantified,
and assistance provided to qualified applicants.

Finally, as I pointed out in public comments, the actual cost of
continuity is sufficiently small that where a registry service
provider is providing registry services to several registry operators,
the cost of itemizing continuity costs may be greater than the cost of


Thank you for your time Olof, and should you want to chat to clarify
any of my usually opaque writings, please let me know. Chatting with
you is always a pleasure.


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