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Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Re: Bundled pricing proposed language

  • To: Andrew Mack <amack@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Re: Bundled pricing proposed language
  • From: Eric Brunner-Williams <ebw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 09:56:56 -0400

Two comments.

The effort would continue to follow ICANN’s cost recovery principle,
as much of the cost reduction would come from ICANN’s lower evaluation
costs for bundled applications, which would be evaluated once (not
separately) on a series of technical and business criteria.

First, the issue of not creating avoidable cost evaluating applications that share a single applicant has been raised more than once.

I don't think we should frame script and language need as "additional distinct applications" -- this is how Peter and Paul framed the issue at the Delhi meeting and this is still how ICANN frames applications, but Peter and Paul were focused on, as the DAGvX reflects, on highly capitalized applications, which is outside our area of responsibility.

Further, the Nairobi language does not instruct us to be constrained by cost recovery, but to be responsive to need, so we do not need to make reference to a "cost recovery principle".

I don't think there is any utility in evaluating each application using Verisign's platform for each application's "technical and business" capabilities, but I also don't think that an application for a string intending to serve a minority language community and one or more additional strings, in another minority language or a majority language, should receive the same terms and conditions as applications having no material need but seeking pricing discounts such as a "bundle" of associated applications.

*Build-out in underserved languages and IDNs for new gTLDs *

The Working Group strongly supports bundled pricing for applicants
willing to apply for multiple scripts simultaneously.

Second, the response to material need, and linguistic need, is not limited to bundling second and subsequent strings, but should apply to single applications for single strings.


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