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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Current Draft Final report, v 2.9 Aug 31 + Addenda with Public Comments Summary & Analsys

  • To: "SOAC-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Current Draft Final report, v 2.9 Aug 31 + Addenda with Public Comments Summary & Analsys
  • From: Karla Valente <karla.valente@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 07:34:37 -0700

Dear all,

Please find attached the Draft Final Report version 2.9, August 31, updated 
based on today's meeting.
We worked on lines 255 to 269.
The following have been identified as needing further review/consensus:

a.       Lines 184 -185

b.      Lines 238 - 240

c.       Lines 263 - 264

d.      Lines 267 - 269

Per my understanding at the end of the meeting today:

1.       I have NOT made any color coding on the document indicating consensus 
and non consensus sections. The only thing I identified on this draft are the 
lines we agreed to further wordsmith.

2.       I have attached a draft of the Summary and Analysis of the public 
comments (See Addenda - JAS WG Aug 31 line 150 on), which is part of the 
Addenda that still needs to be agreed upon. The Summary & Analysis is related 
to the public comment received between June 16 and August 23  . I added the WG 
discussions on the comments received, which still require the WG review and 
consensus. Please note we will post the Summary and Analysis as a separate 
document in response to the public comments. This is standard procedure for all 
public comments received for the New gTLD Program.

3.       We will send a proposed agenda for the next meeting.

The attached documents will be available at the Wiki shortly.

Thank you,


Attachment: Draft Final Report JAS WG v2.9.Aug31 - Clean.pdf
Description: Draft Final Report JAS WG v2.9.Aug31 - Clean.pdf

Attachment: Draft Final Report JAS WG v2.9.Aug31 - Clean.docx
Description: Draft Final Report JAS WG v2.9.Aug31 - Clean.docx

Attachment: ADDENDA- JAS WG Aug31.pdf
Description: ADDENDA- JAS WG Aug31.pdf

Attachment: ADDENDA- JAS WG Aug31.docx
Description: ADDENDA- JAS WG Aug31.docx

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