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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Draft of cover letter

  • To: soac-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] Draft of cover letter
  • From: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2010 11:05:21 +0300

Proposed cover letter:

To:      The ICANN Board and the Chartering Organizations: ALAC and the GNSO 
From: Co-chairs of the Joint SO/AC Working Group on New gTLD Applicant Support

The Working Group has made a great deal of progress since the Brussels meeting 
and is well along in the process of finding the consensus point on the 
recommendations.  the group have put a great deal of time into analyzing the 
community comments and into reviewing the initial recommendations as defined in 
the snapshot in the light of those comments.  While we near the end of this 
process, we have not yet completed the process.

The enclosed document is an excerpt from the final output document of the WG 
covering the WG objectives and its recommendations.  For the most part, the 
items in this document have consensus.  In the few cases where there is still 
an ongoing debate, the options are listed either in [bracketed text], or in one 
case in an expanded section listing 2 options.

We hope that this second snapshot will be useful in your discussions on the New 
gTLD Program.  We would appreciate any feedback you might have on our 

Finally, we apologize for the delay in delivering this by the document deadline 
and hope that you will receive and consider this document nonetheless.

Thank you

Avri Doria and Evan Leibovitch
Co-chairs, Joint SO/AC Working Group on New gTLD Applicant Support 


The idea is that any issues that are resolved in the next day or so can be 
forwarded to the board in the snapshot with those not yet resolved are marked 
as ongoing  I just think there is too much consensual content in this document 
to neglect to give the Board some input for their meeting.  In order to give 
the boar time to read it we need to act quickly.  The deadline was yesterday. I 
would like to send tomorrow (Wednesday).


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