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[soac-newgtldapsup-wg] FW: JAS WG Milestone - response and recommendation

  • To: "SOAC-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx" <SOAC-newgtldapsup-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [soac-newgtldapsup-wg] FW: JAS WG Milestone - response and recommendation
  • From: Karla Valente <karla.valente@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2010 06:28:31 -0800


Thank you and kind regards,

Karla Valente
+1 310 936 4639

From: patti barkett [mailto:ppb2dc@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 10:46 AM
To: Karla Valente
Subject: Re: JAS WG Milestone - response and recommendation


Yes you may distribute my revised comments see below to the "Working Group" in 
response to the Milestone report:

Under your proposed plan, there are two key groups who will be excluded from 
this "Boomer Sooner type" opportunity. It is these same two groups who have the 
most to contribute and the most to gain on a global scale.

Two Groups excluded:
Entrepreneurs/SME's in Green Technology Solutions
Third World Countries in survival mode - no resources

These groups will miss the chance to compete in a positioning opportunity that 
establishes a global marketplace and equal access should be a right. This gives 
an unfair market advantage to the larger established groups who will surely 
flag and squat on many locations available with this new opportunity.


First, level the playing field for emerging green technology 
entrepreneurs/SME's by reducing the participating fee structure to a fee more 
in line with USPTO online registration fees. This group has the potential to 
make the most positive impact for positive changes with global implications.

Third world countries with little or no existing technological infrastructure
to reach the world market will be left behind. They don't have the personnel,
expertise and resources required to compete.
Once the gate is opened to apply, this becomes a time sensitive issue claiming 
rights to establish a global presence.

This is a perfect chance to deal both of these groups in so they can compete 
with the big dogs at the same table. Frankly, I think it is in everyone's best 
interest to provide assistance and/or financial consideration to create these 
new market channels, encourage more environmentally friendly business ventures 
and offer an independent path for long term economic recovery.

Consider a pilot program for one country (why not Haiti) with fees waived and 
assistance provided. This is a proactive way to jump start their economy and 
also gives other countries who can't afford to hire or dedicate existing staff 
for this effort a process to make it simpler to apply.

You can post this on public comments with my initials and Maryland location 
only. Feel free to include my name and email to distribute to the "Working 

Please let me know if you need any additional information.

Patti Barkett
Rockville, Maryland
On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 2:13 PM, Karla Valente 
<karla.valente@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:karla.valente@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hello Patti,

I did not hear from you. If you do not want this to be added to public comment, 
would it be ok to send to the working group distribution list?
Are you coming to Cartagena Meeting? If not, are you joining remotely? This is 
a good forum for you to share your thoughts.


Karla Valente
+1 310 936 4639

-----Original Message-----
From: patti barkett [mailto:ppb2dc@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:ppb2dc@xxxxxxxxx>]
Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2010 1:17 PM
To: Karla Valente
Subject: More information on the JAS WG Milestone Report and Accompanying 
Addenda public comment period
I would like to comment on the Milestone report but trust me it won't
fit or in the add a comment section. Who could I email my comments to
regarding these 2 issues?

Level playing field for emerging markets that could make the most
positive impact globally but who aren't organized and certainly don't
have the funds to apply under the proposed plan.

Third world or countries with no existing technological infrastructure
to reach the world market will be left behind. They don't have the
resources or expertise to navigate this new door to global
opportunity.  They are just trying to survive. This is exactly the
opportunity they need to establish a global market presence and gain
some positive momentum. Instead, they will end up having to rely on
the existing "players" to realign and gobble up all the fruits of this
new application process. This is the time to teach them to fish and
give them a hand in to play with the big dogs!

Change the fee structure for emerging green markets/entrepreneurs and
struggling countries who most deserve this opportunity to a brighter

I will be happy to help the "Working Group" in these efforts to find a
viable solution.

Patti Barkett
Rockville, Maryland

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